By Alyssa, Seth and Jasmyn Heart Dynamics By Alyssa, Seth and Jasmyn
Vocab Heart Dynamic- the movements and forces generated during cardiac contractions. Also known as cardio dynamics Atrial reflex- involves adjustments in heart rate in response to an increase in venous return. Venous return- The flow of blood into the heart Frank- Starling principle- “more in = more out”
Heart dynamics Stroke volume- volume of blood ejected by a ventricle in one beat. Cardiac output- volume of blood ejected from a ventricle in one minute
Autonomic Innervation Autonomic Effects on the Heart rate: Acetylcholine released by parasympathetic motor neurons results in lowering of the heart rate. Norepinephrine released by sympathetic neurons increases the heart rate. Autonomic Effects on the Stroke Volume: NE and E- the sympathetic release increases the force and degree of ventricle contractions. Increase in stroke volume Ach- the parasympathetic release decrease in the force of cardiac contractions. Cut vagus nerves increase heart rate and blocking agents slow heart rate.
Autonomic Innervation Cardio acceleratory center-controls the sympathetic motor neurons that increase heart rate. Cardio inhibitory center- controls the parasympathetic motor neurons that slow heart rate. Cardiac centers respond to changes in blood pressure. They are monitored by baroreceptors and chemoreceptors innervated by the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Decline in blood pressure or oxygen concentrations or an increase in carbon dioxide levels indicates the oxygen demands of peripheral tissues have increased.
Hormones Epinephrine and Norepinephrine secreted by the adrenal medullae increases heart rate and force of contraction. Thyroid hormones and glucagon increase force of contraction. Glucagon was used to stimulate heart function.
Checkpoint 11) volume of blood ejected from a ventricle in one minute 12) would increase the heart rate 13) would slow the heart rate 14) increase the stroke volume 15) does not have sufficient time to fill completely between beats