15. Dispute & Debate Acts 15:1-21 p. 1019
Christ & Disputes The first Church Council Next is at Nicaea in 325 AD. BBC report – Donald Trump choice of Bible belt Bible study group affirms Trump as “God’s choice”
Where they are … Judea
1. Dispute A serious dispute threatens the unity of the church. Issue: Whether gentiles must obey the Law of Moses People from Judea – “Yes” Paul and Barnabas – “No” Gentiles did not understand holiness and righteousness Teach some Biblical morality (e.g. 1 Cor. 6:9-10) Wanted gentiles to leave their pagan ways.
2. Debate Fudge the details … but details matter. The “Law” faction: Be circumcised and obey the Law (v 1 & 5). “Essentials”: circumcision, food laws, sabbath, temple/synagogue. Jesus’ criticism – ignored loving neighbour, care of poor, … They said these cultural customs were essential
2. Debate . . . Not the experience of Peter & Paul : Saw God include gentiles by pouring out the Holy Spirit. Two different questions: “How do I live righteously for God?” “What must I do to be saved?” We are cleansed by faith (v 9) and saved by grace (v 11).
2. Debate . . . Some Christians today ask only one question. “How can I be saved?” Ignore: “How do I live righteously … … and promote flourishing in God’s world?” ERROR – They are linked. Faith in Jesus orients our lives around God It is absurd to live as though God does not exist/matter.
2. Debate . . . Who are the people of God? (v 14) Similar to Deut 14:2. God is making a people for himself from the gentiles. The new people of God are one holy nation – Jew & gentile NO national or ethnic people of God. Decision based on scripture and signs and wonders. Suggests signs and wonders for the church not outsiders
3. Decision Includes what seem to be arbitrary requirements: Abstain from: Things polluted by Idols, sexual immorality, blood. Council put “loving neighbour” into practical effect Blood was sacred (Gen 9:4, Lev 17:11, 14) Sensitivities of Jewish believers mattered.
Living It Book: Christians, politics and world affairs (BBC report): “Seriously Dangerous Religion”, Iain Provan. Christians, politics and world affairs (BBC report): Disclaimer (my opinion): Donald Trump will lose America respect and influence. (You may totally disagree with me on this.)
Living It . . . Biblical Issues: Suggestion Donald Trump is a new “Cyrus” (Isa 44, 45) Does not make him good or right (e.g. Pharoah, Babylonians) US Christians should be mindful of Christians elsewhere Care and foresight matter There is no such thing as a “Christian nation” There is One people of God in all the nations.