Errors Avoided 1 Timothy 6:1-5
Marjoe Gortner
So that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered. DISCUSSION GUIDE Why should slaves fully respect their masters? (1 Timothy 6:1) So that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. Why would Christian slaves be tempted to disrespect their non-Christian masters? Why would Christian slaves be tempted to disrespect their Christian masters?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. How could these attitudes result in the slander of God’s name and prove to be a poor reflection on Christian teaching?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. What should you do to show your respect for your employer? How would doing these things bring glory to the name of Christ?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. How should Christian slaves serve their Christian masters? (1 Timothy 6:2) They should serve them even better, because those who benefit from their service are believers and dear to them.
They are conceited and understand nothing. DISCUSSION GUIDE What does Paul say about the character and understanding of teachers of false doctrine? (1 Timothy 6:3-4) They are conceited and understand nothing.
They are interested in controversies and quarrels. DISCUSSION GUIDE What “unhealthy interests” do these people have? (1 Timothy 6:4) They are interested in controversies and quarrels.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Think about someone you know who loves to argue. How does this “unhealthy interest” affect that person’s Christian witness? How do his/her arguments affect the church’s reputation?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. What controversies are evident in our church today? How do these controversies affect our witness?
DISCUSSION GUIDE These people think that godliness is a means to what end? (1 Timothy 6:5) Financial gain 3
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What is the connection between false teaching and the desire for financial gain? (1 Timothy 6:3-5) Teachers of false doctrine are conceited and understand nothing. They enjoy controversy and mistake it for godliness. They believe that godliness should provide wealth for them.
12. How do people use Christianity for their own profit? DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. How do people use Christianity for their own profit?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 13. What would you be willing to give up so that you might become a godlier person?