Long-Term Auctions & Capacity FUI Coordination Proposals FUI Stakeholder Group 16th June 2010
Status of LT auction systems in FUI IFA Unicorn ‘DAMAS’ system and hosting/managed service in operation. BritNed Unicorn ‘DAMAS’ system under development (for operation in Q1 2011) incl. hosting/ managed service Moyle Currently paper based auctions. Moving to computerised auction platform. PQQ issued -Tender to issue end June East-West PQQ issued- Tender to issue end June
Long Term Auctions Ease v Importance of coordination Important, Less Easy Auction format. (eg Pay as Bid / Cleared, Currency) (SYSTEM / RULES) Credit requirements / treatment (SYSTEM, RULES) Linked auctions on separate borders. (SYSTEM / RULES) Important, Easier Product types Auction timings (SYSTEM / RULES) Planned outages notification (Rules) timings (pre-auction Importance Less Important, Less Easy Resales facility (SYSTEM / RULES) Less Important, Easier Product volumes Specification content (SYSTEM / RULES) Reason why “Less Easy” in brackets Ease
Long Term Nominations Ease v Importance of coordination Important, Less Easy UIoSI / UIoLI facility and methodology (SYSTEM / RULES) Gate closure timings (TSOs reqs, Rules) Ramping and dead band (SYSTEM, TSO reqs). Important, Easier Planned outages notification timing (pre ICE) (Rules) Less Important, Less Easy Capacity transfers (SYSTEM / RULES) Less Important, Easier Recipient of nominations (TSO Req’s) Reason why “Less Easy” in brackets Ease
Long Term Capacity - General aspects Ease v Importance of coordination Important, Less Easy Curtailment / Firmness (SYSTEM / RULES) TNUoS Charging (SYSTEM, RULES) Data flows – formats (SYSTEM) Volume measurement point (SYSTEM, RULES) Losses treatment (RULES) Invoicing / payment timescales (ICO processes) Common LT Auctions Rules Coordinated auction platform Important, Easier Curtailment notification (RULES) Transparency to market (Entsoe.net, websites) Importance User Helpdesk (Contractual) Less Important, Less Easy Less Important, Easier Process for Rules approval Reason why “Less Easy” in brackets Ease
Long Term Auctions & Capacity Coordination next steps Step 1 ICOs to formulate proposals for non- systems / rules related aspects (eg timings, products, volumes, information) {Quick wins}. Step 2 ICOs / Regulators to formulate proposals where aspects are Rules related. Ongoing Consult with stakeholders. ICOs to coordinate progress and opportunities relating to systems, and Hosting/Managed service arrangements.