Introduction To The Academy Of Health Information Professionals PRESENTED BY MCMLA Education Committee MCMLA Webinar March 16, 2016 ADAPTED FROM PRESENTATIONS CREATED BY ANNA BETH CRABTREE, AHIP, 2003; JOLENE MILLER, MLS, AHIP, 2013; and Jan Rice, MLS, AHIP, 2014
Why Join AHIP? Rebecca Graves, Distinguished Member PRESENTED BY Current AHIP Members: Rebecca Graves, Distinguished Member Brenda Pfannenstiel, Distinguished Member Shawn Steidinger, Provisional Member Gwen Wilson, Provisional Member Why Join AHIP?
What is AHIP? Academy of Health Information Professionals PRESENTED BY Gwen Wilson, MLS, AHIP MCMLA AHIP Credentialing Liaison What is AHIP? Academy of Health Information Professionals Medical Library Association’s professional development and career recognition program
Who can be a member of AHIP? Any Information Professional (including people who are not members of MLA)
Am I Eligible to Apply? Academic Preparation ALA-accredited master’s degree in library and information science If you have another master’s degree (not ALA-accredited), you must document coursework in all of MLA’s seven Professional Competencies, regardless of the number of years of professional work experience
Is Health Sciences Work Required? No, all information professional work counts, whether or not it is in the health sciences Points will still need to be health sciences library or health information-related, not just library activities or courses, with the rationale that applicants will be improving their health sciences medical librarianship knowledgebase and skills in the profession.
Eligibility of Part-time Employment Yes
Members at each level are full members of the Academy! The AHIP levels Provisional Member Senior Distinguished Emeritus Members at each level are full members of the Academy!
Provisional Level ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA-accredited master’s degree With less than 5 years of experience, OR Currently seeking employment with less than 5 years of experience. For the provisional level, a mentor is assigned to work with you.
Provisional Level Documents 8 hours of continuing education each year Document 5 points of professional accomplishments per year Provisional fee is paid at the beginning the provisional period (a maximum of five years) although provisional membership must be renewed annually at no cost
Member Level ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA-accredited master’s degree 5 or more years of experience after attainment of the master’s degree Fifty (50) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years
Senior Level ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA-accredited master’s degree 5 or more years of experience after attainment of the master’s degree
Senior Level Eighty (80) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years 5 points must be from professional association activities, not necessarily in MLA
Distinguished Level ALA-accredited MLS or a non-ALA-accredited master’s degree 10 or more years of experience after attainment of the master’s degree
Distinguished Level One hundred and twenty (120) points of professional accomplishments completed in the past 5 years At least 10 must be professional association activities and At least 5 must be MLA activities
What counts As “MLA points”? Serving as an officer, a committee chair or committee member of MLA, an MLA chapter, an MLA section, or an active MLA SIG Serving as a mentor for a provisional member in the academy Developing an MLA continuing education course Serving as a site coordinator for an MLA teleconference Conducting oral history interviews for MLA archival purposes
Emeritus Level Retired from the profession Prior member of the academy at any level (except provisional) at retirement, and has been credentialed/certified by MLA for 10 consecutive years at the time of retirement. No points are required to renew at this level. Send a written request, emeritus form, and copies of your last certificate(s) to MLA headquarters. No fee to move to emeritus level
Comparison of AHIP Levels
Renewals Membership lasts 5 years; renew before the end of the 5th year Renewal may be at the level of previous application Need to prove completion of requirements for that level NOTE: provisional members may not extend beyond 5 years To advance to higher level of membership: Must meet professional experience requirements Must meet accomplishments for that level Can advance to next level in less than 5 years if you meet the requirements New fee required Starts new 5 year cycle
Application Fees & Time To Renewal Member Level MLA Member Non-MLA Member Time to Renewal Provisional level $135.00 $325.00 5 years (max) Member level or above $200.00 $450.00 5 years (renew before end of 5th year) Emeritus No fee n/a Fees paid when application is submitted Application fee is non-refundable
Tips From the Credentialing Committee Chair David Midyette, AHIP 2015-16 Chair, MLA Credentialing Committee
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