Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Chapter Review
Chapter 17: Augustus Gloop Goes Up the Pipe Mr. Wonka pleads with Augustus to step away from the river. His parents tried too, but he ignores everyone. Mrs. Gloop is horrified when Augustus falls in the river. Augustus gets sucked into the pipe. Mr. Wonka appears to be laughing at the Gloops. The Oompa- Loompa’s escort the Gloops to the fudge area to collect Augustus and leave.
Chapter 18: Down the Chocolate River A large, pink, Viking styled boat appears on the river. The Oompa-Loompas (OLs) appear to be laughing at the families. Mr. Wonka hands both Charlie & Grandpa Joe a chocolate and ask why they are so thin.
Chapter 19:The Inventing Room-Everlasting Gobstoppers & Hair Toffee Mr. Wonka requests for them to stop the boat immediately. They arrive at the inventing room (the most important in the factory!) No one but Mr. Wonka has ever been in this room before. The children were told not to touch anything!
Chapter 20: The Great Gum Machine Mr. Wonka leads the group to a gigantic gum machine. When he presses the button magical things begin to happen. Out of the drawer pops a small piece of gum. Mike Teavee is unimpressed, but Violet Beauregarde is very excited.
Chapter 21: Good-bye Violet Mr. Wonka explains that the one piece of gum is a three-course meal. Violet begs to try it, but Mr. Wonka warns her that the gum hasn’t been perfected yet. Violet ignores everyone’s warnings and takes the gum anyway. When she gets to the blueberry dessert course of the gum she turns blue and starts swelling up like a balloon. The OL’s escort Violet to the Juicing Room.
Chapter 22: Along the Corridor Mr. Wonka escorts everyone down the hall after losing the first 2 naughty children. Mr. Wonka rushes them through the hall passing doors with fascinating titles that hide mysterious inventions. Mr. Wonka tells Mike to stop mumbling and Veruca Salt to stop being so impatient.
Chapter 23: Square Candies That Look Round Veruca & Mike argue with Wonka about the shape of the candies. Mrs. Salt calls Wonka a liar, he insults her, and tells Mr. Salt to shut up when he defends Mrs. Salt. The OL’s were painting faces on the square candies. Mr. Wonka unlocked the door and all the candies looked “round” to see who opened the door. Charlie and Grandpa Joe agree that Wonka was telling the truth about the candies.
Chapter 24:Veruca in the Nut Room The group stops in front of the Nut Room, which has trained squirrels opening nuts. Veruca is excited by the 100 squirrels shelling nuts without breaking the nut. They can tell the difference between a good nut and a bad nut. Veruca throws a tantrum demanding a squirrel and her parents offer to buy one from Wonka. Veruca runs into the room and the squirrels attack, decide she’s a bad nut, and throw her down the garbage shoot.
Chapter 25: The Great Glass Elevator Mr. Wonka mentions that he seems to be losing all the children, but was sure they would be fine. They take the elevator because Mike mentions that he’s tired and wants to watch TV. The elevator ride was more like a rollercoaster ride and they go to the TELEVISION ROOM.
Chapter 26: The Television-Chocolate Room Mr. Wonka tells the group how he wants to share chocolate with everyone through the TV. He demonstrated by showing a Wonka bar transported by TV. Grandpa Joe was impressed. Mr. Wonka explains that it is quite dangerous to send things through the TV.
Chapter 27: Mike Teavee is Sent by Television Mike ignores Wonka’s warnings about the dangers and rushes into the TV. He comes back through shrunk to one-inch tall. Mr. Teavee says they are getting rid of all their tv’s at home. The OL’s sing about the dangers of too much tv.
Chapter 28: Only Charlie Left Mr. Wonka is pleasantly surprised to see that Charlie is the only child left. They enter the Glass Elevator and Mr. Wonka searches for a particular button. Mr. Wonka mentions he has always wanted to push the “Up and Out” button. The elevator burst through the roof of the factory. It is run on CANDY POWER.
Chapter 29: The Other Children Go Home Mr. Wonka brings the elevator down outside the factory to show the other children going home. He explains that each child is different from when the first entered the factory. The elevator climbs higher as Mr. Wonka tells Charlie something important.
Chapter 30: Charlie’s Chocolate Factory Mr. Wonka tells Charlie that he his giving the factory to him. Charlie & Grandpa Joe are shocked. Charlie will learn how to run the factory from Mr. Wonka. The elevator crashes through the Bucket house. The family is shocked and happy and all get on the elevator to start their new lives.