The Primary Care Office of the Future: Use of Museum Type “Exhibit” to Facilitate Education, Practice Transformation and Policy Change Introductions
Introductions Thomas Agresta, MD, MBI CIPCI Informatics Leader Professor of Family Medicine, University of Connecticut Jeri Hepworth, PhD CIPCI Director Rachael Ingersol, MA CIPCI Project Supervisor You?
Disclosures Products referenced in this workshop are examples of the types of tools available for practice transformation. CIPCI does not benefit from or endorse any particular product/company. Thomas Agresta MD, MBI – Has partial ownership in a mobile applications healthcare company Salubae - It was not used during the workshop or CIPCI PT of the future nor in today’s demonstration. Is on the Board of Directors of ProHealth Physicians – a multi-specialty primary care group in CT. This demonstration uses no examples from that practice.
CIPCI Mission and Aims The Primary Care Office of the Future Our Mission Deliver practical value for patients, providers, and payers by transforming primary care in ways that are palpable and sustainable. Our Aims Serve as a trusted partner and resource Improve training for primary care providers Increase retention of primary care providers Conduct groundbreaking research with practical value Help practicing providers manage change The Primary Care Office of the Future A hands-on demonstration of new practice designs and technology for primary care transformation.
Purpose Expose primary care stakeholders to innovative and practical solutions to improve patient care & staff satisfaction Interactive museum-like display available on our website
possible now Takeaways Accessible now Space and process can be redesigned Technology doesn’t have to be complicated The team can use data to improve care Simple changes can make the work more enjoyable
Tools & technology second Mission & vision first Tools & technology second
patient-centered, coordinated care Key messages we wanted to convey
high-tech, high-touch
provider satisfaction quadruple aim better health lower cost provider satisfaction better care
Absolutely Critical Elements for Primary Care Office of the Future Example of evaluation Total responses: 98
Comments: Major Barriers to Implementing the Absolutely Critical Components Total responses: 59
Outcomes Implemented ideas in clinics Connected with practices Inspired next generation clinicians Influenced policy-makers
Tweet about our presentation: #STFM15 #CIPCIorg Complete an evaluation on the conference mobile app For more info: Thomas Agresta, MD, MBI - Jeri Hepworth, PhD - Rachael Ingersol, MA - Phone: 860-714-7334