Spanish American War.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish American War

The Coming of War 1898 Cuba and Puerto Rico the last colonies of Spain in the Western Hemisphere. The Cuban Rebellion begins Sugar Cane Created wealth for Spain Produced nearly 1/3 of the sugar in the world Jose Marti Cuban who moved to America, but fought for Cuban freedom Brought together Cuban exiles in America Raised funds for weapons and troop training in Cuba

America Supports Cuba Smuggled guns from Florida to Cuba New York Journal and New York World-horrible stories about what happened to people in Cuba. William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer Yellow Journalism Made up stories or exaggerated tales to gain readers of magazines Terrible things happened to people Re-concentration camps Thousands died of starvation

Calls for War McKinley Autonomy Sinking of the USS Maine Jingoism Did not want to get involved in the war Offered to help mediate between Spain and Cuba Autonomy The right to their own government Sinking of the USS Maine February 15, 1898 Shipped exploded Jingoism Aggressive Nationalism

Battle of Manila Bay May 1, 1898 4 American ships destroyed 8 Spanish ships Army was not ready to send troops to help Dewey Took over Guam While sending 20,000 troops to the Philippines US took over the capital of Manila in the Philippines

American Forces in Cuba Neither American or Spanish troops were ready for the fight Most of the American troops were volunteers Rough Riders Cowboys Miners Law Officers July 3, 1899 Sunk all the Spanish ships Took over Puerto Rico

Platt Amendment Cuba could not make any treaty with another nation to weaken it independence Cuba had to allow the United States to buy or lease naval stations in Cuba Cuba’s debt had to be kept low to prevent foreign countries for landing troops to enforce payment United States would have the right to intervene to protect Cuban independence and keep order Repealed in 1934

Puerto Rico Foraker act 1917 granted American citizenship Civil government for the island 1917 granted American citizenship Elected their own governor Debate continues whether Puerto Rico should be a state

Rebellion in the Philippines 126,000 troops sent to the Philippines Re-concentration camps Separate Guerillas from Civilians Railroads and bridges built Public schools set up July 4, 1902 the war ended 1946, America gave independence to the Philippines