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Digital Information Technology 11/21/16 Essential Question: How do the components of a computer’s hardware function and how do you resolve potential hardware failures? Bell Work: Take a look at eMarion and Skyward and make a list of the assignments that you are missing currently. Set a goal for yourself for today by writing a statement saying exactly which assignment(s) you will finish today. Be prepared to share! I will discuss the process of troubleshooting problems with computer hardware peripherals, including input and output devices in the workp0lace environment. I will explain the general architecture of a microcomputer system. I will explain the need for and use of peripherals. I will demonstrate proficiency using peripherals. I will identify the basic concepts of computer maintenance and upgrades. I will compare and contrast emerging technologies and describe how they impact business in the global marketplace.
Digital Information Technology 11/21/16 Standards: 4.06 – Discuss the process of troubleshooting problems with computer hardware peripherals, including input and output devices in the workp0lace environment. 5.01 – Explain the general architecture of a microcomputer system. 5.02 – Explain the need for and use of peripherals. 5.03 – Demonstrate proficiency using peripherals. 5.04 – Identify the basic concepts of computer maintenance and upgrades. 15.01 – Compare and contrast emerging technologies and describe how they impact business in the global marketplace.
Digital Information Technology Essential Questions: What is system software and what are examples of various operating systems? How do the various components of a computer’s hardware function? 11/21/16 eMarion Internet Tab: Summative Quiz - deadline for retakes - Thursday/Friday this week!!! Understanding and Applying URLs Complete BOTH charts and submit through eMarion; Due Monday, 11/14 Operating System Tab: Read the standards and lesson; take notes; add to your binder as pg 9 Operating System Quiz today Computer Hardware Tab: Read the standards Peripherals –upload through eMarion; Due by 11/16 View the PowerPoint Computer Definitions Activity –upload through eMarion; Due by 11/17 or 11/18 MicroType 5 Assignments NUMERIC Lessons 1-8 was due November 3rd or 4th Exit Activity: What are some things you can do to troubleshoot a computer problem? I will: discuss the process of troubleshooting problems with computer hardware peripherals, including input and output devices in the workp0lace environment; Explain the general architecture of a microcomputer system. Explain the need for and use of peripherals. Demonstrate proficiency using peripherals. Identify the basic concepts of computer maintenance and upgrades. Compare and contrast emerging technologies and describe how they impact business in the global marketplace.