Sometimes we all misunderstand what someone wants us to do…
In YOUR exam misunderstandings can LOSE YOU marks or GRADES! What is the COMMAND word to DO here? “Describe the business incomes shown in the resource” “Define the term population” “Explain how plants get energy from the sun” What are the KEY WORDS to USE in the question? “Describe the business incomes shown in the resource” “Define the term population” “Explain how plants get energy from the sun”
How good is this answer? QUESTION; Describe longshore drift “Longshore Drift occurs because the prevailing wind blows onto the shore at an angle. The swash moves sediment up the beach at the same angle, but gravity pulls the backwash & the sediment straight back down the beach. This causes the sediment to move down the coast and beach, creating erosion and deposition.”
Time to CONSTRUCT… SO what are the exam command words used in exams? WHAT do they mean? You have 3 minutes to MEMORISE them Test yourself? Tell a story? Draw pictures to summarise them?
Mini-plenary…PROBLEM SOLVING Are there any that you are unsure about? Any ones that you find confusing? Please ask at the end if you prefer!
Time to DEMONSTRATE… Tell me WHY something is happening. Explain Describe List Locate
Time to DEMONSTRATE… Tell the examiner WHAT something is. Explain Describe List Locate
Time to DEMONSTRATE… What is the COMMAND word that they are DOING? Corasion means rocks are hurled at a cliff face or a type of erosion. Explain Describe Define Locate
Time to DEMONSTRATE… What is the COMMAND word that they are DOING? Corasion is rocks that are hurled at a cliff face or a type of erosion. You see it on eroding coasts during storms. Explain Describe Define Locate
Time to DEMONSTRATE… What is the COMMAND word that they are DOING? Corasion is an erosion process where rocks are hurled at a cliff face by waves picking them up during violent storms and when they have much energy. This erodes cliffs and headlands. Explain Describe Define Locate
PLENARY; Have we mastered COMMAND words? Under your chairs are a series of dominoes… Can we create a DOMINO chain of exam command words and their meanings?