The Vikings By Lily Crum
cONTENTS What Did The Vikings Eat? Viking gods Viking Houses Viking Clothes QUIZ
What Did The Vikings Eat? There were no supermarkets or shops to buy food so the Vikings ate what food they could grow or hunt. Plants Vegetables e.g. leeks, onions, turnips, parsnips and carrots. Wild nuts e.g. hazelnuts and walnuts. Berries e.g. gooseberries, blackberries and blueberries. Grains to make bread and also porridge Herbs e.g. fennel, common sorrel, wild garlic, parsley Leaves e.g. nettles and spinach Home
Viking gods Odin - the leader of the gods - god of magic, poetry and war. His wife was Frigg Thor (Tor in Scandinavian languages) was the god of thunder. Thor had iron gloves, a magic belt and a hammer. He was also god of protection. He provided protection from cold hunger, giants and other dangers. Freya – was the goddess of love and war. She could turn herself into a bird by putting on a magic falcon-skin. She was the sister of Frey who made sure that the sun shone, rain fell and the crops grew. Home
Viking Houses The Vikings built their houses from local material such as wood, stone or blocks of turf. They lived in long rectangular houses made with upright timbers (wood). The walls were made of wattle (woven sticks, covered with mud to keep out the wind and rain). Home
Viking Clothes Home
Where Did They Come From QUIZ TIME Guess which on is wright Norway Denmark Sweden Home