Introduction to Ocean Data View OTGA – UEM TRAINING COURSE – FUNDAMENTALS OF OCEACOGRAPHIC DATA MANAGEMENT , 23-27 JANUARY 2017, MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE Prepared by: Harrison Ong’anda, National Coordinator, Kenya National Oceanographic Data Center (KeNODC),
Install and run the latest version of ODV.
Select VIEW > SETTINGS to open this set of general program controls Select VIEW > SETTINGS to open this set of general program controls. The settings in VIEW are probably already OK.
Select MAP > RESOURCES to see the various bathymetry (and coastline) datasets available in ODV's map mode only (i.e. when you're viewing station locations on a horizontal map or in section mode). You can make experiments on your own to see what's best for you.
Select IMPORT > WOD IMPORT and uncheck the box for SHORT LABELS Select IMPORT > WOD IMPORT and uncheck the box for SHORT LABELS. We want long cruise labels in order to see more information.
Select SYSTEM > PROGRAM LOCATIONS and browse to your favorite browser on the top row, and to your favorite ASCII editor on the bottom row.NOTE: Firefox and ConTEXT are highly recommended.
Select SYSTEM > SIDEBAR folders Select SYSTEM > SIDEBAR folders. These will give you easier navigation to your data folder to supply ODV and your products folders to receive from ODV.For the first one, select the folder PROJECTS > MOZAMBIQUE > DATA > OCEAN For the second one, select PROJECTS > MOZAMBIQUE > PRODUCTS > ODV Then click OK to save all the above settings.
Select FILE-NEW to begin the collection creation process.
Navigate to the folder PRODUCTS > ODV > COLLECTIONS and enter the name osd_all_mozambique_wod1 3. Then hit SAVE.NOTE: You could also use bottle_all_mozambique_wo d if that would be easier to recognize.
This window open, asking you to select the structure of your new collection. Many existing structures, defined by the variables they contain, are offered. Also you can use some standard templates, or even specify the variables individually. Select World Ocean Database Then click OK.
This global map opens, indicating the new collection has been created This global map opens, indicating the new collection has been created. But the collection is still empty, and it has no station dots. NOTE: The gridded bathymetry you see here is the GEBCO01 default (the one you selected in Panel 3, above).
Navigate to the DATA > OCEAN > WOD folder, and select the ocean station data (osd) you downloaded. Then click OPEN.
This IMPORT OPTIONS window appears This IMPORT OPTIONS window appears. You can see that all the SOURCE FILE VARIABLES have an asterisk beside them, just as the TARGET COLLECTION VARIABLES do. This indicates they are "matched up" and ready to import.This is no surprise, because the structure template you used is an exact mirror of the WOD structure. There are these possibilities: ASSOCIATE - the source and target match up CONVERT - the source can be converted to match up with the target USE DEFAULT UNDO - an existing match-up is not yet correct; it needs work UNDO ALL - remove all existing match-ups and start over Click OK to continue.
After a short time, many red dots appear in the area of interest, and finally this message appears. Click OK.
Now you have an ODV collection of bottle data
Right-click on the map, and select ZOOM. Then drag the corners of the red frame inward toward the data area. You can double-click inside the red frame when you have the area you want.
To save this map view, select VIEW > SAVE VIEW AS In the VIEWS folder of ODV, enter the name station_map_all and click SAVE. (The location and extension will be automatically set by ODV).
You will have these collections when finished: Use the same steps as above to make new collections with the other 4 datasets you downloaded from the WOD. You will have these collections when finished: PRODUCTS > ODV > ctd_[country]_wod.odv PRODUCTS > ODV > xbt_[country]_wod.odv Might also be xbt_mbt_[country]_wod.odv - If your WOD download included mechanical bathythermograph data PRODUCTS > ODV > pfl_[country]_wod.odv
Also make and save good maps of these collections. Remember, to save a graphic, use VIEW > SAVE VIEW AS, as you did above.
Now you're ready to move on and make some standard data analysis products with ODV.