TAP eForm & Enterprise Database Training Commanders or Designees Welcome to the Transition Assistance Program’s eForm Training for Commanders and their Designees. This new eForm and Enterprise Database was developed by the Transition to Veterans Program Office.
eForm Overview Combines DD Forms 2648, 2648-1, and 2958 Individual dashboards Service members Managers/Counselors Commanders (and their Designees) Streamlined and efficient Increases data accuracy, reduces redundant data Provides real time access and TAP visibility across DoD enterprise Prints as a one-page PDF Ease of use Pre-populates personal information (pulled from DEERS) Pre-separation needs assessment Email notifications & electronic signatures Accessible 24/7 via any electronic device with Internet access Token based access (no system access request needed) The new eForm combines the three forms Service members had to previously carry around into one electronic version. There are individual dashboards for Service members, Managers and Counselors, and Commanders and their Designees. The eForm is streamlined and efficient by increasing data accuracy, providing real time access and visibility across the DoD. This helps Service members who may not be stationed at an their Service’s installation. It can also be printed into a one-page PDF. Ease of use is also greatly improved. It provides real time access, pre-populates the Service members’ personal information which is pulled from DEERS, can be signed electronically, and automatically sends out notifications when a signature is needed. The eForm can be accessed by any electronic device with Internet access.
eForm Overview, continued Disconnected operations capability Only an option for when connectivity is not available e.g., incarceration, hospitalization, or afloat units Once a hardcopy form is initiated, it must be used to complete that entire phase of the transition process A worksheet is provided, allowing for the capture of eForm background data Capstone Review: ensure each completed CRS block is checked Ensure an authorized signature is obtained from the Service member on the DD Form 2648 It is the Services’ responsibility to transmit the signed hardcopy to the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) upon completion In the case that a Service member cannot access the eForm, such as incarceration, hospitalization, or is part of a unit that’s afloat, the Service member can fill out a hardcopy of the eForm. However, once that process is started, it must be used for that entire phase. A couple things to double check: make sure that each CRS block is checked, the Service member signs DD 2648, and it is the Services’ responsibility to transmit the signed hardcopy to the Official Military Personnel File after it’s completed.
eForm for Commanders or Designees Allows Commanders (or their Designees) to: Receive notification for and provide electronic signatures Notify Managers/Counselors of approval Review and verify compliance on a single dashboard Commanders will receive an email notification when their signature is needed. Click the link and follow the instructions to electronically sign the eForm. Commanders are also able to review and verify a Service member’s compliance on a single dashboard.
eForm Functions and Capabilities Only one person can access the eForm at a time If the eForm is currently being edited, it cannot be signed by anyone else until they save and exit The eForm sends an alert with the name of who is editing it, if they need to be contacted If the eForm is still open after an hour, it resets and then the eForm can be accessed The eForm will not allow signatures or completion if there are empty required data fields Ensure that the eForm is saved after each section is filled The eForm sends a notification if any data elements are missed An eForm can only be accessed by one person at a time. If a Service member is accessing his or her eForm, until they save and exit, their Commander or Manager cannot go in and sign it. Additionally Commanders cannot sign an eForm that has empty data fields. As the Service members move through the eForm, if there is a data element has been left empty, the eForm will prompt the Service member before any signatures can be given.
eForm Phases The eForm is developed and designed to support TAP policies through three mandatory phases. Pre-Separation Counseling Counseling provided to eligible Service members by TAP staff or command career counselors, to inform members of services, benefits, curriculum, assessments, career readiness standards (CRS) deliverables, and individual transition plan (ITP) during and after their separation, retirement, or release from active duty CAPSTONE Review Eligible Service members produce evidence of their deliverables that meet the CRS to TAP staff or command career counselors Commander’s Verification Eligible Service members produce evidence of the deliverables to Commander’s or their designee that meet the CRS before separation, retirement, or release from active duty There are three phases supported by the eForm: Pre-separation counseling, CAPSTONE review, and Commander’s verification. Pre-separation counseling gives eligible Service members information regarding services, benefits, curriculum, assessments, career readiness standards deliverables, and individual transition plan during and after their separation, retirement, or release from active duty. The CAPSTONE review is when Service members produce evidence that they have met their CRS deliverables to their TAP staff or counselors. Finally, Commander’s verification is when Service members produce their completed CRS deliverables to their commanders.
eForm Phases, continued Personal information Pre-populated and pulled from DEERS Always check that this information is correct; if incorrect, it must be changed in personnel file Pre-Separation Needs Assessment Answer Yes or No If Yes, a date of completion must be entered Report attendance for course sessions and various training tracks A completion date is automatically entered when both Service member and Counselor sign the eForm Warm Handovers Enter name, location, details, etc. Signatures Service member’s AND Counselor’s electronic signatures Can enter remarks, which remain in eForm until completion, and become part of the printed PDF All required fields must be filled out in order to sign the eForm The first section of each phase is the Service member’s personal information. This is pre-populated in the eForm and is pulled from the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System or DEERS. Even though the information is already there, make sure it is correct. It cannot be changed in the eForm, any updates must be changed in the Service member’s personnel file. The Pre-Separation Needs Assessment section is a list of yes or no questions. Service members report their attendance for their TAP courses and training tracks. If a question has a yes answer, a date of completion must be entered as well. If a warm handover takes place, the organizations name, location, and other details must be entered in this section. Signatures is the final section of each phase. All required fields must be filled out or the form will not allow for signatures. Remarks can be entered, and remain part of the eForm until completion, and also become part of the printed PDF.
Commanders (& Designees) Login Page This is the login page for Commanders and their Designees. Click the green button to proceed to the CAC-enabled login.
Commanders (& Designees) Homepage This is the homepage for Commanders and their Designees. From here commanders and designees are able to access eForms, view Transition and VMET documents, run reports, and sign completed eForms.
Commanders (& Designees) Dashboard This is the Commanders and their Designees Dashboard. All active eForms will show up on this page.
Commanders (& Desginees) Reports This is the Commanders and their Designees Reports page. All reports run by Commanders or their designees will show up here.
Commander’s Verification When a signature is needed, Commanders will receive a notification email containing a link Click the link and follow the steps to sign the eForm Before signing, Commanders must ensure that a Service member is: VOW compliant Career ready Has a viable Individual Transition Plan (ITP) That the Service member has transportation and housing post-separation Note if any warm handovers were completed The final section is Commander’s verification. When a signature is needed from a commander, they will be sent an email containing a link. If they click the link, it will take them to the page where their signature is required. However, there are a few things that Commanders must verify before they sign. The Service member must be VOW compliant, career ready, have an ITP. They must also ensure that the Service member has transportation and housing, and if a warm handover took place, it needs to be noted on their eForm.
Points of Contact For more information, visit: Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Coast Guard The Transition Assistance Website for each agency are listed here if you have any questions or comments. Thank you.