AGATA Campaign at GANIL Scientific Goals


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Presentation transcript:

AGATA Campaign at GANIL Scientific Goals Silvia M. Lenzi Università di Padova and INFN

The AGATA campaigns 2014  GANIL/SPIRAL2 15TC 2010  2012 LNL : 5TC 2012  GSI/FRS 5TC+3 DC AGATA D.+PRISMA AGATA @ FRS Total eff. (compact). ~6% Total eff. (b=0.5) ~ 10% AGATA + VAMOS + (EXOGAM2) AGATA effnominal ~ 8% to 14% in close configuration

AGATA at GANIL The GANIL facility will host the European AGATA germanium array from 2014 to 2016. The array will be installed in the G1 cave in front of the VAMOS spectrometer. It will benefit from both the high intense stable beams (from C to U) delivered by the CSS1/CSS2 cyclotrons and the radioactive-ion beams post-accelerated by the CIME cyclotron and produced by the ISOL SPIRAL1 facility

Some open questions How does the nuclear force depend on isospin? How do regular patterns and collective behaviour emerge in complex nuclei? Which are the properties of exotic nuclei at the limits of binding? How do the underlying symmetries manifest in collective motion or single-particle behaviour and how these modes compete? What’s new? collective modes, shapes, decay modes?

New phenomena far from stability 0+

Unique physics opportunities with AGATA@GANIL setup High intensity stable beams. Possibility to perform reactions in inverse kinematics. Exotic beams from SPIRAL1 (from 2016). AGATA: High efficiency and position resolution (Doppler correction) VAMOS: Large acceptance due to the new focal plane detectors. Improved DAQ readout, higher counting rate capabilities. High transmission. Different modes of operation. Many complementary devices available or under development

AGATA at GANIL : Complementary devices At 0° as separator (vacuum/gas-filled) Angles >10 deg for fission & MNT In G1 coupled to VAMOS (+ EXOGAM2): SIBs, RIBs Neutron detector (N-wall) Charged particle array for prompt tagging: DIAMANT Charged particle array for Recoil Decay Tagging: MUSETT Charged particle array for transfer reaction MUST2/TIARA : program with SIB and RIB High-energy gamma detectors: Chateau de Cristal, LaBr3 Future detectors: NEDA , GASPARD, PARIS (LaBr3)

Physics Cases Gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei populated in deep inelastic collisions, MNT or induced fission using VAMOS to identify the reaction products. Spectroscopy of proton-rich nuclei at the N=Z line using the N-wall/NEDA Spectroscopy of heavy elements towards SHE and N~Z nuclei populated by fusion–evaporation with VAMOS in gas-filled mode. Spectroscopy using existing and new SPIRAL1 radioactive beams By the beginning of the campaign AGATA will consist of at least 35 encapsulated crystals (5 double clusters and 8 triple clusters). By the end of 2015, AGATA is expected to be composed of 45 encapsulated crystals (15 triple clusters: 1π solid angle).

AGATA at GANIL WORKSHOP 18-20 February 2013

Dedicated to the physics campaign of AGATA in GANIL following the call for Letters of Intent launched on October 2012 Create the basis for defining the priorities for a detailed scientific program of the campaign Assess the technical feasibility, constrain the infrastructure and ancillary detectors integration. Identify common setups to be run in a row, common physics cases and encouraging collaborations

The research with AGATA at GANIL A total of 47 Letters of Intent were submitted Neutron rich Neutron deficient Other SHE The equivalent of ~2000 UT are proposed ~ 16000 hours of beam on target (667 days)

the proposals Spokespersons Authors Croatia Belgium Sweden Spain France Italy Germany Poland Sweden Male Female

Physics cases for the AGATA campaign in GANIL 256Rf 254No Cm,Bk Cf,Es 48Ca,50Ti SHE 194Pb 176Hg Sm,Pm 206Hg 102Sn Dy,Er,Yb 100In Ru, Pd 58Ni,40Ca N=Z Xe,Te 80Zr Zr, Mo 132In 77Y 75Sr Zr, Sr 78Ni 80Zn 63Ge 68Ni,Fe,Co,Cu 46Ti 38K 238U,208Pb  n-rich 46,48Ca 34Ar S,Cl,Ar,K SPIRAL1 Ne,Na

neutron-rich nuclei In different mass regions produced in deep-inelastic, multi-nucleon transfer and induced fission reactions. Nuclear spectroscopy near shell or sub-shell closures Evolution of magic numbers and deformation Development of collectivity along isobaric and isotonic chains Shape and K isomers: prompt-delayed coincidences Shape coexistence Effective single-particle energies Reaction mechanisms

proton-rich nuclei In different mass regions produced mainly in fusion-evaporation reactions. Nuclear spectroscopy near shell or sub-shell closures Evolution of magic numbers and deformation Enhanced proton-neutron correlations Delayed alignment in deformed N=Z nuclei High-spin states Isospin symmetry Isospin mixing Coupling to the continuum Shape coexistence Octupole correlations Search for exotic shapes Proton-neutron matrix elements

heavy nuclei and towards SHE produced in deep-inelastic and fusion-evaporation reactions. Low and high-spin structure Look for rotational bands in transfermium nuclei Lifetime measurements Challenging studies of reaction mechanisms Location of shell gaps at superdeformation nuclear astrophysics Isotopic abundances in novae models Thermonuclear reaction rates Spectroscopy of sd-shell nuclei with stable and radioactive beams


VAMOS in dispersive mode Improved Focal Plane detection tripled acceptance Improved DAQ readout Increased counting rate capabilities

Other VAMOS configurations beam non-dispersive mode Prompt and delayed γ-ray spectroscopy Isomers Detecting both fission fragments beam target Fission fragments (IC+MWAC+Si wall) shell evolution high-spin states of neutron-rich species reaction mechanism 32% of the LoI require VAMOS in vacuum

Lifetime measurements sub-shell closures single-particle behaviour shape evolution shape coexistence evolution of collectivity valence-proton and valence-neutron symmetry J. Ljungvall Magnetic moments can also be obtained with the Recoil in Vacuum (RIV) method for short-living states 22% of the LoI

VAMOS gas-filled mode 21% of the LoI require this mode of VAMOS C. Schmitt et al, NIM A 621 (2010) 558 Used in fusion-evaporation reaction with recoil decay tagging of heavy nuclei using MUSETT in the focal plane

Neutron Wall/NEDA + DIAMANT NEDA +Nwall at GANIL 26% of the LoI M. Palacz

AGATA + PARIS dem. + DIAMANT Search for SD structures in medium-light nuclei Fusion-evaporation reactions with high intensity stable beams measurement of discrete (E2) and continuum (statistical) (E1) gamma-rays DIAMANT PARIS AGATA A. Maj, P. Bednarczyk et al.

Outcomes from the Workshop 44 of the 47 LoI submitted were presented and discussed Feasibility has been checked and technical solutions suggested Proponents have been encourage to discuss with the experts of the ancillaries LoIs with large overlap are warmly encourage to converge into a common proposal Working groups for the different setups have been formed to face together the developments needed

Working groups Neutron Wall and/or Diamant Coordinator: Gilles de France VAMOS in gas filled mode Coordinator: Christoph Theisen/Christelle Schmitt Plunger Coordinator: Joa Ljungvall DSSD detectors Coordinator: Peter Reiter

Complementary equipment VAMOS (M. Rejmund) EXOGAM2 (G. de France) MUST2 and Tiara (O. Sorlin) PARIS (A. Maj) OUPS Plunger (J. Ljungvall) Cologne Plunger (Ch. Fransen)

The campaign We need to organize subcampaigns by setups and investigate the technical issues case by case. AGATA will increase in efficiency during the campaign Not all experiments will benefit from the 1p configuration We have identified three main subcampaigns: 1st (2015): AGATA+VAMOS (+EXOGAM2, +plunger) : MNT and fission fragments 2nd (end 2015-2016): VAMOS gas-filled and NWALL : Depending of the availability of these setups 3rd (2016- ? ) : SPIRAL1 : DSSD-Coulex, VAMOS (MNT)

First campaign AGATA + VAMOS std. (+ EXOGAM2 )(+ Plunger) Nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei populated by induced fission or multinucleon transfer The scattering chamber will be prepared in order to allow the hosting of a plunger device. The target loader is designed in order to accommodate fragile targets susceptible to oxidation.

Future steps Proposals using these setups will be submitted to the next PAC meeting (foreseen in spring 2014). Next February, before the PAC meeting, we will organize a collaboration meeting to discuss together the proposals based on the LoI of this call, eventual new proposals, check the feasibility and eventual overlaps. All proposals have to be discussed at this meeting before being submitted to the PAC. .

Conclusions AGATA Campaign at GANIL offers many opportunities for frontier physics research in different mass regions and regimes. The response to the call of proposals has been extremely positive. In the Workshop of last February the priorities, setups, working groups have been established. The campaign will be organized in subcampaigns to be adjusted with upgraded planning: 1st (2015): VAMOS in vacuum (Spectro+plunger) 2nd (2015-2016): VAMOS gas-filled mode and/or N-wall 3rd (2016- ? ) : SPIRAL1 : DSSD-Coulex, MNT The possibility of using VAMOS in gas-filled mode is highly desirable The prolongation of the AGATA campaign in 2017 could allow to complete the scientific programme.

AGATA Configurations at GANIL EXOGAM, LaBr3, BaF2 … E. Farnea et al, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621 (2010) 331–343 E.Clément GANIL Scientific Council February 2013

Performance of the AGATA array J. Ljungvall (CSNSM) M. Labiche (STFC) for the AGATA collaboration - Preliminary AGATA nominal 233 mm EXOGAM nominal 145 mm

Performance of the AGATA array b =12% × ~ 4.7 × ~ 12