ASQ Raleigh Section 1113 Mentor Program Overview for Rookies June 27, 2016 Joanne Mayo – Mentor Program Chair
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Contents of this Mentor Program presentation are subject to change. Please refer to the Raleigh ASQ website for the latest information.
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Contents: Program Overview-pages 4-7 Rookie Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)-pages 8-12 Mentor Program Guideline-page 13
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Primarily for new members and potential members (Rookies): Educate new members about section, division, headquarters offerings Educate potential members about benefits of ASQ membership Seasoned ASQ members (Gurus) - Three years ASQ Membership - Active in ASQ events (minimum 3 in past year) or - ASQ Leadership member Rookies choose Gurus based on their expertise, industry, certifications, etc. via webpage
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Committee Joanne Mayo (Chair) Jim Murrell Mary Chris Easterly Current Approved Gurus Joanne Mayo Mary Chris Easterly Jim Murrell Haleh Byrne Joe Knight-McKenna Frank Golden Mike Nichols Frederick Rich Matthew Demko Guru’s earn Recertification credits (0.1 credit per hour). Join us and become one of Raleigh’s ASQ “Gurus”. See webpage for more details:
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Additional links and information: ASQ Raleigh section website ASQ Raleigh section Linked In ASQ Raleigh section twitter main Member Leader webpage (Interact, Key Tasks, Position, Resources, Initiatives, News & Dates) (videos including Quality of Life videos and interview with Tauna Schachle @ WCQI May 2009) Lists: @ASQ/asq-members @ASQ/asq-board-of-directors @ASQ/asq-hq @ASQ/asq-sections-divisions @ASQ/asq-staff
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Additional links and information (continued): 7) 8) 9) (communities, users, bloggers) 10) – Join the ASQ Community
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies - FAQ Number 1-What is a rookie? A Rookie could be: Someone who is considering becoming an ASQ member and would like to find out more about the organization. Someone who is an ASQ member, is newly active in Section 1113 and would like to find out more about the section. Number 2-What is a GURU? A Guru is: An experienced ASQ member who can provide information about the society and/or our local section to the rookie.
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies - FAQ Number 3-How long is a rookie/guru relationship? The Section 1113 mentoring program is intended to help a potential ASQ member learn more about ASQ or a potential or new Section 1113 member learn more about our section. Therefore, the typical relationship could range from one to six consultations. For long-term consultation, we recommend that you consider a protégé/mentor relationship through ASQ. Number 4-Will the information shared between a rookie and guru be kept confidential? Yes. Rookies and gurus agree to keep confidential the discussions and information shared.
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies - FAQ Number 5-What types of things can a guru help me with? Your guru can provide information about: Benefits of ASQ membership Information that can be found in the ASQ and Section 1113 websites Section 1113 leadership Section 1113 activities, such as our monthly meetings and tours and our annual conference Division information Training opportunities Contacts within the section for topics such as: Volunteer opportunities in the Good Works program Volunteer opportunities on the Section 1113 leadership committee ASQ Certification and Re-Certification
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies - FAQ Number 6-Who initiates communication – the rookie or the guru? A rookie should select a guru based on the guru’s profile on the ASQ Section 1113 website and contact the guru of his/her choice. During the initial conversation, expectations for how to communicate can be discussed and agreed upon by both parties. Number 7-After I became a rookie, I lost my job and I am looking for another one. Will my guru help me find another job? The Section 1113 mentoring program is not intended to include coaching for people seeking employment. Please refer to resources on the Section 1113 and ASQ websites for career opportunities.
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies - FAQ Number 8-My guru and I are not “clicking”. Can I work with a different guru? Yes. Please contact the ASQ 1113 Mentoring Program Chair, who will facilitate connecting you with a new guru.
ASQ Mentor Program Overview for Rookies Rookie/Guru relationship Rookies select a Guru based on their expertise/interest shown on the “Guru Background and Contact Information” document posted on the ASQ website, Mentor webpage. Rookie and Guru will decide how often to meet, by what means, and for how long. The GURU Program Chair will address any complains or issues reported by Rookies or Gurus. Potential communication methods: ASQ section meeting Telephone call with no distractions Restaurants for lunch/dinner ASQ community network sites Email, chat rooms, LinkedIn
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