Fertilizer Management in No-Till Farming Cody Goodknight Chattanooga, OK
Quick Facts Soils in no-till systems are cooler and store more water. Soils under no-till management contain more organic matter. Soil structure of a no-till field is more resistant to erosion, run-off, and leaching. Conversion to no-till results in greater risk and requires greater management input.
Topics Need for precision in no-till farming Crop rotation Fertilizer Applications
Need for Precision in No-Till
Need for Precision in No-Till Controlled traffic Compaction by any type of machinery can decrease yields. Wrong way traffic decreases in-field speed and efficiency.
Need for Precision in No-Till Guidance systems Overlaps are not only a loss of time but also expensive chemical. Mistakes will not be visible for several days. Mistakes stay in the field much longer than in conventional tillage. The system will be used year round for every crop.
Crop Rotation
Crop Rotation Weed control Keep every crop clean and fallow clean. Weeds steal valuable moisture and nutrients. Weeds cause problems in planting. Small weeds are easier to kill than big weeds.
Crop Rotation Crop choice Choose crops that fit your environment, equipment, and budget. Consider livestock grazing and hay needs. Always keep some residue on the ground. Less fallow time equals more profit.
Fertilizer Applications
Fertilizer Applications The 3 essential nutrients for cereal production are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. All are needed to optimize yields but nitrogen is the most limiting and the key factor in a successful fertilizer program.
Fertilizer Applications Three popular sources Anhydrous Ammonia = NH3 or 82-0-0 Least expensive but most difficult to apply. Granular Urea = 46-0-0 Blended with other fertilizers and easier to apply. Liquid Nitrogen = 28-0-0 Applied with herbicides and less toxic to seedlings.
Fertilizer Applications Crop residue Nitrogen response of wheat in no-till may be higher. Organic matter left undisturbed can be broken down into valuable nutrients. Variety of residues means a variety of benefits.
Sources http://www.ext.colostate.edu http://ianrnews.unl.edu http://www.reducedtillage.ca http://www.nature.com http://juniper.tamu.edu