Cobranded Template Arial 40 PT. Subtitle Arial, in sentence case
TITLE Arial bold 26 PT. SUBTITLE ARIAL 24PT., RED Body copy Arial 20pt. To highlight information, please use color, not italics or bolded copy. A custom color palette has been built into the template. Third line of copy
This is How a Two-line Title Appears Arial 28pt. SUBHEAD AND BODY COPY The master has been set up to handle one- and two-line titles The space between the title and subhead is a little too large on the slides with single-line titles in order to handle a two-line title
“This is an example of how to handle a long quote “This is an example of how to handle a long quote. Do not type in the title box, instead type in the text box. Do not type a return. Delete the title text box. Pick the ‘centered’ paragraph option to override the ‘left-justify’ option that is programmed into the master. Click the ‘increase paragraph line spacing’ arrow to fill the space. Change the color to medium blue.”
TITLE Arial bold 28 PT. “Quote with photo: Choose ‘picture over copy’ option from formatting palette, center text, line spacing arrow twice.”
TITLE Arial bold 28 PT. “Quote with photo: Choose ‘picture over copy’ option from formatting palette, center text, change color.”
Large photo with header
SUBHEAD SIZE DROPS AUTOMATICALLY TO 20PT. Click the “add text & picture slide” from the formatting palette Body copy drops automatically to 18pt. Third copy bullet goes here Fourth bullet goes here
Inserted Chart/Graphic With Header
One-column Copy Slide THIS SLIDE SHOWS LAYOUT OF ONE COLUMN OF COPY Text is left-justified This is the standard layout Use this layout unless you have large amounts of copy that need to show up on one page If so, please see next slide for example of two- column layout
TWO COLUMN COPY SLIDE CLICK “ADD 2-COLUMN TEXT” IN FORMATTING PALETTE The 2-column option automatically reduces type size by 2 pts. This option gives you 2 text boxes, with subheads and bullets THIS IS THE SUBHEAD IN THE SECOND TEXT BOX Tuer ip esse duis adionsecte delisi Eugiatuerit ipit vulla facing exero consemib Auguero con vel er sumsand ionulla
Graph Built In Powerpoint. Use “Add Chart.”