Introduction to Psychology and Sport Psychology 6/26/2018
Objectives Understand the basics of psychology and common terminology Utilize a psychological approach upon analyzing a scenario Identify the different types of sport psychology fields Property of CTE Joint Venture 6/26/2018
Terminology Psychology Sports psychology Physiological Cognitive Hypothesis Theory Educational sports psychologist Clinical sports psychologist Academic sports psychologist Property of CTE Joint Venture 6/26/2018
Psychology Study of behavior and mental processes What people think, feel and do Use systematic and scientific approach Sports Psychology- study of sport and exercise, and the mental factors that influence performance Property of CTE Joint Venture 6/26/2018
Psychology examines: Physiological needs- physical needs Cognitive needs- mental; thinking, emotional and understanding needs 6/26/2018
PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 4 Numbered Heads 4. Numbered Heads students number off in a group from 1 to 4 teacher poses a question group discusses the answer teacher selects a number from 1 to 4 and asks all students who represent that number to raise their hand teacher calls on a non-volunteer or uses a random method to generate a number such as rolling die teacher provides feedback Students Number 1-6 Find your groups and work on handout together. Be ready to share your responses. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Four Goals of Psychology Describe or gather information about behavior being studied Find an explanation as to why the behavior occurs Hypothesis- an assumption or prediction about behavior that will be tested through research; an educated guess Theory- set of assumptions used to explain behavior Predict, based on knowledge that has been acquired Seek to influence behavior, if necessary 6/26/2018
Group pairing and sharing Form Pairs: Come up with an example of a hypothesis and a theory Get together with another pair and see if they can guess which is the hypothesis and which is the theory Take turns Group pairing and sharing 6/26/2018
Careers in Sports Psychology Educational Psychologist- teaches strategies and mental skills to active populations Clinical Psychologist- provides treatment Academic Psychologist- participates in research and in teaching 6/26/2018
Factors that Influence Behavior Basic Daily Living Needs Physical Development Cognitive Development Social Development Cultural Factors/Socio-economic status Property of CTE Joint Venture 6/26/2018
Young Adulthood Cognitive Physical New beginnings Career, home Establishes intimate relationships Marriage Become parents Higher thinking and reasoning Think from another’s perspective Fully grown/developed Peak muscular strength 25-30 years Best small motor skills until 35 Healthiest years Child rearing 6/26/2018
Middle Adulthood Cognitive Physical Security, satisfaction Empty nest High intellectual levels Experience? Most creative May develop chronic illnesses/conditions Slight sensory/dexterity loss Menopause Slight losses in strength/coordination Some sleeping/eating issues 6/26/2018
Late Adulthood Cognitive Physical Society looks at old age as a negative Attachment to tangibles/familiarity Awareness of mortality Need for companionship/relationships Slower processing, but good intellect More chronic illness Decrease in sensory functions Less strength, coordination and balance More falls, accidents Shorter 6/26/2018
Communication with Patients Take into consideration age and developmental levels! Ask age-appropriate questions. Be empathic towards developmental responses and reactions Plan treatment and care based on developmental levels. Mental disabilities or disease/illness/medications may alter your approach to communication 6/26/2018
3-2-1 3 important terms from today 2 ideas or facts you would like to know more about 24. 3-2-1 teacher passes out index cards or pieces of paper teacher instructs students to write down 3 important terms, 2 key ideas or facts they would like to know more about, and 1 skill or concept that they have mastered teacher uses another active participation strategy to debrief or collects the paper 1 of the 3 sports psych fields that you like best