Society and Culture in the Industrial Age! By: DJ Schmidt...and Gunner
Factors of rapid growth in population during the 1800’s -During these times people would move away from their homelands in large numbers which was called Emigration. -A spur in city growth was due to the factory system. Factories in cities such as Manchester England (which went from 18,000 in 1772 to 303,000 in 1851) were growing tremendously because employment for farms declined but the developing industries located near or in cities offered new jobs. -The bettering of Sanitation and Public order secure that the cities were in good condition but this didn't really take to form until the 1870’s when such things as “Bobbies”, a force that was responsible for maintaining order and making sure the law was obeyed. -Higher wages were offered in the industrial areas which attracted more immigrants and travel was more safer by steamboat or train.
Causes and effects of growth in public education -The ideas of the American and French Revolution for liberty, equality, and representative government made it important to provide education for all citizens which led to the following years of these events both France and America took steps to establish public school system. -The education for women didn't really come fully. Near the end of the 19th century girls got elementary education which had been included in the provisions that many countries passed guaranteeing education for all. Though education was guaranteed, secondary schooling was a harder and more limited education. -The spread of education had many positive results. People became more aware of issues around the world and even took part in government activities. Such things like newspapers became especially popular in the 1800’s and important. During this time they expanded their coverage to politics, foreign affairs, art, and science. -
The new leisure and cultural activities that developed during the 1800’s -During the 1800’s time period, sports started becoming more organized. Such things like American football and rugby evolved from the early sport, Soccer. -Art and music became more available to more people. As the urban population grew the people's demand for such things did the same. In the US a form of light entertainment known as vaudeville which was popular in frontier settlements. Public museums came to fruition like the Louvre museum in Paris, which contained the art collection from the king of france.