Suffering and Trials on our Journey through this present life 1 Peter Chapter 4 Suffering and Trials on our Journey through this present life © Dr John C McEwan
Our “Strange” lives Verses 1 – 2 Unbelievers may think it strange that we are not into their immorality and sinful activities. The suffering of Christ is to set us free from sin, not open the door to sin. Verses 3 – 5 All will be judged for their lives upon this earth. Rev 20:12ff Don’t be surprised when abused for your moral choices.
Gospel to the Dead Verse 6 We were all dead in sin when we were brought to life by the Holy Spirit’s ministry within us. We do not stay living by flesh and deathly things, but in the Holy Spirit. Verses 7 – 9 The Fruit of the Spirit is the sign of the Lord’s blessing. In light of “the end of all things” live spiritually, sober, prayer, hospitable, good works of love.
Ministry is our Objective Verses 10 – 11 All gifts are of grace and all are to be used in the Spirit’s power to serve the church. Nothing is to be half hearted. Speak as an oracle or be silent! Waffling about isn’t right. Verses 12 – 13 Fiery trials come in the Plan of God, and so have the power of God for his people to utilize in their midst. Rejoice that you have been thought worthy to share the sufferings of Christ, and advance in joy.
Suffering 1. There is a reason for believer’s suffering; it remains within God’s Grace, Rom 8:28ff, 1 Thess 5:18. It develops faith. 2. It is designed for blessing, 1 Pet 1:7-8, 4:14, 3. If caused by sin, confession turns it around, Heb 12:5ff, 1 Jn 1:5-10, 4. It will glorify God, Job 1:8-12, Lk 15:20-21 5. It can teach obedience, Phil 2:8, Heb 5:8 6. It keeps down pride, 2 Cor 12:7-10 7. It witnesses for Christ, 2 Cor 13:4, Gal 4:15 8. It shows God’s power, 2 Cor 11:21ff, 12:7-10 9. It develops the Fruit of the Spirit, 2 Cor 4:8-11 10. We can help others, 2 Cor 1:3-5
Don’t Suffer for Sin Verses 14 – 16 If we suffer for the truth, that is good, but if for evil/sin, that is a bad witness and disgrace. Verses 17 – 19 Suffering is a noble things when it is in a noble cause and there is no personal reason for it. God will judge hypocrisy and falsehood – be very scared of deserving judgment.
Daily Orders for Battle 1. Be Sober – Rom 13:11-13, 1 Thess 5:6-8 2. Be Vigilant – don’t relax your guard and get careless in the devil’s world. 3. Resist temptation – zero tolerance for evil and sin. Lk 4:3-12, Eph 4:27, 6:11-13, Jas 4:7 4. Be Steadfast – stand upon the rock of truth, and with the certainty of doctrine. 5. Keep on knowing that you are not alone.