LIGHT IT UP WITH ARTS INTEGRATION Teacher to Teacher Conference April 3. 2017
Why should we integrate the arts into our classrooms? Essential Question Why should we integrate the arts into our classrooms?
Graffiti Art in Content Areas
Graffiti Art in Content Areas Think-Pair-Share What is powerful about these graffiti images?
What is Graffiti Art? Graffiti art encourages students to tap into their imagination and feelings. It also helps students sharpen their observation and analysis skills. Students can use symbols, shapes, color, images and statements that allow them to visualize and synthesize subject matter material. These graffiti walls become tangible pieces of their thoughts and perceptions about a topic. Graffiti art also serves as a wonderful cooperative learning strategy. It can even motivate students who may be reserved in their participation. Easy to incorporate into your classroom. All you need is paper or a board. Use during a warm-up, introduction of a new topic, or organize prior knowledge.
Let’s Create Our Own Content Specific Wall! ACTIVITY TIME Let’s Create Our Own Content Specific Wall! Around the room you will notice that we have chart paper with content specific names: math, science, social studies, and ELA. Choose a content that you would like to explore. Think about some ideas that you think will work for your specific content area. Pick up a marker and begin to jot down your ideas!
Weaving the Arts into Our Lessons MUSIC Patterns/Equation Rhyme Time Soundtracks/Jingles Reviews Lyrics as Poetry THEATER Slam Poetry Storytelling Readers Theater Character Pitches
Weaving the Arts into Our Lessons VISUAL ARTS Quick Doodles Museum Visits Textured Fireworks DANCE/MOVEMENT Continent Dance Cupid Shuffle Movement Phrases
Hands on Literacy Strategies Why Incorporate the Arts in Literacy? It helps students… Define meaning Demonstrate understanding of concepts Stimulate curiosity and set the stage for inquiry Reinforce Vocabulary Deepen Understanding
Hands-on Literacy Strategies K-1 Note Syllables ELA + Music 2-5 Starry Myths Literacy + Fine Arts 4-6 Rockwell Marketing Writing + Visual Arts K-12 Writing Scrapbooks Persuasive Writing + Various Media The Shape Shifter Allegory + Geometry + Art
Hands-on Literacy Strategies
Art Focused Project Based Learning Project-based learning can be a purposeful and engaging way to integrate the arts across disciplines and curriculum. “PBL demands voice and choice in how students spend their time and how they show their learning. Each project culminates in a presentation or product that is presented to a public audience.” Final arts-related products can be shared and utilized by audiences on a GLOBAL stage!
Your Turn: Art PBL Planning Using the PBL Project Planning Checklist and sample plans as a guide, sketch out a possible plan based on your content and arts integration. Be prepared to share and provide feedback.
Why should we integrate the arts into our classrooms? Revisit and Commit Revisit our essential question. Why should we integrate the arts into our classrooms? Has your initial answer been altered or strengthened? How will you integrate the arts in your classroom in the future?