Theme 7. Psychology of inter-ethnic relations
Objective: To introduce the applied aspects of determining the development of modern ethno-psychological research. Keywords: intergroup relations , ethnic relations , inter-ethnic relations in the internalization , externalization of ethnic processes. Key questions include: 1.Mezhetnicheskie relationship as ethnopsychological problem . 2.Teoreticheskie and methodological problems of the study of psychology of ethnic relations . 3.Problema study of inter-ethnic relations in the framework of theories of intergroup relations. 4.Psihologicheskie determinants of inter-ethnic relations
Понятие «отношения» Relationship - as a willingness to specific interactions , the occurrence of which , are determined by the presence of human needs and the objective situation to meet this need. Relationship - as one of the basic psychological categories is manifested in all contacts and interactions between man and man , the man with the group, the group with the group, as well as material and ideal things and phenomena . In this case, the " relationship " can be regarded as a definite indicator , which is a means of expression and objectification of human action.
Interpersonal and intergroup relations In social psychology, interpersonal relationships - both subjectively experienced by the relationship between people, which manifest system for their interpersonal settings, attitudes, needs, motivations, determined by their joint venture. Intergroup relations, as relations, the subject of which can be both small and large groups, including ethnic and community.
Intergroup relations, primarily - or even exclusively - the relations developing between individuals as representatives of particular groups (T.G.Stefanenko). Intergroup relations - not only those relationships that are established between the groups, and, above all, it's subjective experiences of relationships between people as members of different groups (G.M.Andreeva).