ESB Networks AIP Programme Meeting of the IGG, April 19th 2007
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are Before the Special IGG of 7th June 2006, a first draft document ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued from ESB Networks AIP programme. This set out the impacts for the Irish Retail Market that had at that time been identified by ESB Networks as a result of the AIP, in so far as the requirements were known. Before the IGG of the 22nd June 2006, all key design issues were included in Appendix 8 in the second draft of the discussion document. At the IGG on the 22nd June there was a walk through of each of the issues in that document. Before the IGG of the 13th July , updated Appendix 8 issued on 7th July , ver 0.3, containing feedback from Market Participants, SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator, new requirements that were received from Regulatory Authority, and review of Design Issues by ESB Networks. Following the IGG of the 13th July, four Market Participants responded to specific queries raised at that IGG. At the IGG of August 10, the responses were debated. In early August , CER/SIMDRACS gave approval to proceed with the detailed design based on what had been discussed to date with the IGG. At the IGG of 21st September there was a recap of the high level design for AIP and an update on issues. On 7th October draft ver 0.4 issued, followed on 13th October by version 0.41 which had the marked-up changes of ver 0.4 removed. This document was reviewed at the Special IGG on 16th October. Option 3 of the Message Model was presented and all Market participants were asked to respond by 19th Oct. MCRs issued in 3 batches over 24th,25th and 26th October. All Market participants responded by 26th October to Option 3 : 4 in favour, 3 not. Option 3 of the Message Model was incorporated into these MCRs.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are At the IGG of 1st November, draft ver 1.0 MCRs and issues were discussed. Retail Market Participant Comments were fed back and baselined ver 1.1 MCRs were issued on 15th November. On 6th December draft ver 0.5 issued having been updated with the outcome of the discussions from the Special IGG on the 16th October and the IGG on the 1st November. It summarises the contents of the ver 1.1 MCRs. At the IGG of 14th December, alternative proposals for MCR063 were presented and comments were requested. Two Market Participants have responded On 21st December ver 1.2 of MCR123 issued for comments. Two comments have been received. On 8th January 2007 ver 1.0 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued , which was a cleaned-up copy of draft ver 0.5 without the marked-up changes. At the IGG of 1st February, initial proposals for Market Trials, Market Assurance and Cut-Over were presented and three Market Participants fed back comments. On 12th February , 8 Discussion Requests issued for comment and two Market Participants responded. On 1st March, the draft XML schema issued At the IGG of 8th March, 7 Discussion Requests were agreed and revised proposals for DR0137 were presented
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are On 15th March, responses were received from two Market Participants to DR0137, both in favour and on 2nd April, MCR140 issued based on revised proposals for DR0137 On 15th March, one Market Participant responded in agreement to slides presented at the IGG of 8th March on MCR063/Validation of Aggregation. On 15th March, two Market Participants responded to proposals presented at the IGG of 8th March on the Basic Rules for calculation of QH Estimates for use in Indicative Aggregation. Both were generally in favour , and one had a specific comment which was put forward for your consideration on 2nd April. On 16th March, 7 MCRs issued based on the 7 DRs which were agreed at the IGG of 8th March. New DR0141 to remove the pattern in the XML for the GUID issued and based on this, MCR143 issued on 12th April. On 23rd March , one sample message for each new or changing message type issued to all Market Participants On 2nd April, two new DRs viz DR0142 and DR0143 issued to correct text in MPD2- QH COS and MPD20 - Change of SSAC and/or Supplier Unit On 16th April, Release 13.0 of the MPCC and Webforms was issued to all Market Participants by CD.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd 18th May - Introduction 1st June - Draft ver 0.1 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued to IGG 7th June - Special IGG 21st June - Draft ver 0.2 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued to IGG 22nd June - IGG discussion on Appendix 8 – Key Issues - TAG discussion on Key Issues 29th June - Responses from Market Participants 4th July - SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator clarifications/decisions 7th July - Draft ver 0.3 [Appendix 8] ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued 13th July - Special IGG 10th Aug - Update to IGG 21st Sept - Update to IGG 6th October - Draft ver 0.4 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued 13th October- Draft ver 0.41 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd 16th October - Special IGG - Draft ver 0.41 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ 24th,25th, 26th October - MCRs issued in 3 batches 1st November - IGG review of MCRs, ver 1.0 14th November - Comments/Queries on MCRs ver 1.0 issued 16th November - ver 1.1 of MCRs issued 6th December - Draft ver 0.5 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued 14th December - Update to IGG, including alternative proposals for MCR063 and for which two Market Participants have commented. 21st December - ver 1.2 of MCR123 issued for comments - note that this was withdrawn at the IGG of 8th March and ver 1.1 of MCR123 was re-instated 8th January 07 - Ver 1.0 ‘Impact of AIP on ROI Retail Market’ issued 1st February 07 - Update to IGG including initial proposals for Market Trials, Market Assurance and Cut-Over 12th February 07 - 8 Discussion Requests Issued 1st March 07 - Draft XML Schema issued
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 1. Review of where we are……. contd 8th March 07 - Update to IGG, 7 DRs were agreed, revised proposals for DR0137 were presented 16th March 07 - 7 MCRs and one new DR0141 issued 23rd March 07 - Sample XML messages issued 2nd April 07 - MCR140 issued based on revised proposals for DR0137, two new DRs issued viz. DR0142,Dr0143 issued , and revised proposals for the Basic Rules for calculation of QH estimates for use in Indicative Aggregation issued 12th April 07 - MCR143 issued based on DR0141 16th April 07 - Release 13.0 of the MPCC and Webforms issued to all Market Participants by CD.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues SIMDRACS items A. There remain a number of key outstanding items and we will formally bring proposals to the IGG when the detailed requirements are known, viz. Data Queries and AD Hoc Aggregations Issue 20 Material Differences Issue 18 Consumption Adjustments inside or outside the 13 months Issue 19 Update – CER Consultation paper to issue shortly B In addition, the following issues are outstanding Definition of Working days Issue 1 Future Use of SSAC Issue 2/A1 Calendar for Aggregation Issue 7 Metering Responsibilities - placeholders in MCRs Non Participant Generators and SOLR event - with SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues ……. contd C SIMDRACS - Update on RA324 RA324 will not be implemented by SMO prior to go-live - We have built and are testing based on SIMDRACS requirements for an alternative approach to RA324. impacts on a Small number of Trading sites with firm/non firm access calculations where Import data is Price-Effecting it is needed by SMO on 7 day week, calendar day basis , and EirGrid will be handling the provision of this data to the SMO This means that MRSO will not be aggregating the import for these sites, and will therefore not include the import for these sites in 591,595,596 messages to Suppliers, and will not include the import for these sites in 590 messages to SMO. MRSO will send 341 messages to Suppliers if they are Transmission Connected Generators, Eirgrid will provide the QH import read data to MRSO. If they are Distribution Connected Generators, ESB Networks will in addition to EirGrid poll the import for these sites and will not get the QH import read from EirGrid
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues ……………….. contd C SIMDRACS ...contd - Possible future SIMDRACS CRs Trading Day/Settlement Day issue for the registration of new units/deregistration of Units SMO are proposing a workaround and this needs to be impact assessed SOLR Awaiting information on possible changes that might be needed to the SOLR Process to support the Wholesale Market requirements we will keep you in touch if any implications arise for the Retail Market
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues ……………….. contd C SIMDRACS CRs We recently reviewed eight SIMDRACS CRs arising from the reviews of the T&SC - Impact on the design was minimal Key Items to note: 1. Where the PES is registered with the Import for Participant Generators, there will need to be a Trading Site Supplier Unit or Associated Supplier Unit which is not the Error Supplier Unit registered in the SEM and into which MRSO will aggregate that data [Price-effecting import which is the subject of RA324 mitigation strategy will not be aggregated by MRSO - see earlier slide] This aggregated data will be made available to the PES in 591,595,596 messages and included in the 590 to the SMO. No other Import data will be aggregated to the PES prior to Global Aggregation , except if there is a SOLR event. a DR will be raised to cover this
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues ……………….. contd C SIMDRACS CRs…contd 2. We have considered the implications of the potential “splitting” of a Trading Site under specific circumstances where each split Trading Site becomes a Trading Site in its own right. Our findings are that the design can accommodate this if needed.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 2 Upate on Issues ……………….. contd D Cutover/Transition Transitional Arrangements for Non-Participant Generators Issue 22 Proposed Closing Date for registration of Non-Participant Generators with MRSO - 1st July MRSO will contact any NP Generators who have not registered by end of May Comments are invited by 26th April Eirgrid requirements in respect of data after cutover Issue A3 Update - as advised at the last IGG - we expect to be able to provide the data in the required formats, will confirm the position at the June IGG MCR123 Updates to Working Practice WP 0012 New Issue We have had a query from a Supplier who will from SEM go-live be looking to get Participant Generator data sent to them. The query was that while the Supplier wanted to get the 341, 594 and 597 messages, they did not want the 504 or 504s messages, and could these continue to be sent to the Generator We are looking into this and will update you at the next IGG.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
A Recent MCRs - looking for approval today ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. Recent Discussion Requests/MCRs/ New DRs A Recent MCRs - looking for approval today MCR131/DR0130 : Update to MPD 16(2.1) Data Aggregation MCR132/DR0131 : Updates to Meter Point Registration Rejection Market Messages MCR133/DR0132 : Further Updates to Aggregation Briefing Document MCR134/DR0133 : Changing the Description of Reject Reason Code ‘SSS’ MCR135/DR0134: Updates to 595 Market Message MCR136/DR0135: Update to WP0014 Distribution Connected Non Participant Generator Export Arrangements Working Practice MCR137/DR0136 : Update to the Reading Data Status Definition MCR140/DR0137: Clarifications regarding the 591 Market Message MCR143/DR0141 : Update to XML schema to remove pattern for GUID field B Recent Discussion Requests – looking today for agreement to proceed to MCR DR0142 to correct validation relating to Trading Sites within MPD 2 – QH CoS DR0143 to correct validation relating to Trading Sites within MPD 20–Change of SSAC/SU C New Discussion Requests - for issue Inconsistency between XML and Data Definition for 4 Date/Time fields Estimations for Indicative Aggregations for QH sites
MCR131/DR0130 : Update to MPD 16(2.1) Data Aggregation ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR131/DR0130 : Update to MPD 16(2.1) Data Aggregation MCR131/DR0130 : Update to MPD 16(2.1) Data Aggregation The SIMDRACS forum has agreed to send an email to the SMO where the measured quantity of an interval has been set to zero in the netting calculations for non-participant generator data . This will be a copy of the email that is being sent to the Supplier. Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3.A Recent MCRs MCR132/DR0131 : Updates to Meter Point Registration Rejection Market Messages MCR132/DR0131 : Updates to Meter Point Registration Rejection Market Messages the new Reject Reason/Code ‘TSR’ will apply on Market Messages 111R,102R,115R Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
MCR133/DR0132 : Further Updates to Aggregation Briefing Document ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR133/DR0132 : Further Updates to Aggregation Briefing Document MCR133/DR0132 : Further Updates to Aggregation Briefing Document The SIMDRACS rules for determining whether an aggregation of meter readings was estimated or actual was based on the concept where there was only one meter reading to be considered per MPRN. This may not be the case where there is Generation on the site, particularly where there is splitting of the generation between several suppliers outside of the market. Therefore, it is proposed that when calculating the value of this flag that the actual/estimated value will be determined only from import meters Also proposed is that where two 15 minute intervals are amalgamated together to a 30 minute trading period, if either or both of the 15-minute meter reading is an estimate then the 30 minute trading period metered volume will be considered as an estimate. Also, there is a removal of the reference to the T & SC version number in Section 5.1 Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR134/DR0133 : Changing the Description of Reject Reason Code ‘SSS’ MCR134/DR0133 : Changing the Description of Reject Reason Code ‘SSS’ Description of the reject reason for the Reject Code ‘SSS’ to be changed from ‘SSAC invalid for the Supplier’ to ‘SSAC invalid for the Supplier Unit’ This requires a change to the 115R,102R Message Specific Information in Aris. Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
MCR135/DR0134: Updates to 595 Market Message ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR135/DR0134: Updates to 595 Market Message MCR135/DR0134: Updates to 595 Market Message Addition of the following three fields to the 595 Market Message and related changes to Data Definitions · Count of MPRN (Existing field within the 591 MM) · Percentage of MPRNs Estimated (New Field) · Percentage of Consumption Actual (New Field) Release 13.0 of the MPCC incorporates this change
Generator Export Arrangements Working Practice ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR136/DR0135 : Update to WP0014 Distribution Connected NP Generator MCR136/DR0135 : Update to WP0014 Distribution Connected Non Participant Generator Export Arrangements Working Practice The SIMDRACS forum agreed that that the factor of 20 can be changed to 1.5 Therefore, WP 14 Distribution Connected Non Participant Generator Export Arrangements is being amended to read : It is a Regulatory requirement that in the new manual registration process for Non-Participant Generation, a Supplier must show that they have historic demand that has been (in all Trading Periods) 1.5 times greater than the maximum contracted output of all out-of-market generation contracted to that Supplier Unit. Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
MCR137/DR0136 : Update to the Reading Data Status Definition ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3. A Recent MCRs MCR137/DR0136 : Update to the Reading Data Status Definition MCR137/DR0136 : Update to the Reading Data Status Definition Reading Data Status Field Clarification added to Data Items and Definitions ‘ A code of 0 denotes estimated readings while a code of 1 denotes Actual readings’ Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
MCR140/DR0137: Clarifications regarding the 591 Market Message ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3.A Recent MCRs MCR140/DR0137: Clarifications regarding the 591 Market Message MCR140/DR0137: Clarifications regarding the 591 Market Message The details of this Change request in MCR068 ver 3.0 currently read : The 591 market message to be amended to only allow valid combinations of DLF & Load profile MCR140 clarifies that: The following statement will be true for the composition of the 591 Market Message Invalid Combinations should not be populated in the message, however if there are no MPRNs registered for a valid combination then a count of zero should be populated in the message The implication of this statement is that where the DLF is LV: the count of MPRNs , Load profile and DLF will always be included for each of the Load Profiles 01-12 in the segment Additional Aggregation Information And where the Count of MPRNs is zero, none of the lower level segments will be populated viz no Additional Aggregated Consumption, no Additional Aggregation Data segments for that Load Profile/DLF combination where the DLF is not LV: there should be none of the segments : Additional Aggregation Information , Additional Aggregated Consumption, Additional Aggregation Data segments Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3.A Recent MCRs MCR143/DR0141 : Update to XML schema to remove pattern for GUID field MCR143/DR0141 : Update to XML schema to remove pattern for GUID field The draft XML schema issued on 1st March. In release 13.0 of the MPCC on April 16th, the GUID was amended to be a 9 long string that has ‘No pattern’ to be validated against in the xml schema - in the draft version it was a 9 long field that was being validated as GU_nnnnnn. MCR143/DR0141 were raised to clarify the data definitions for the GUID - MCR0120 has the GUID as GU_nnnnnn, DR0141 clarified that the GUID field will need to accommodate a 9 long field in the XML , this is to allow this field to be populated in xml with anything from 0 to 9 characters which means it can accommodate any of the following: - The SEM Participant Generator Unit ID is 9 characters in length E.g. GU_123456 - The Export Arrangement ID (which will be populated in the Generator Unit ID field for Non-Participant Generator Export Arrangements) and will be 4 characters in length - The Pre-SEM Participant Generator Unit ID is 3 characters in length - this still needs to be valid in the new design as we will need to be able to use this format in messages 341,504,504s. - Nothing populated in any outbound registration message viz 102R,102P,102,105,101P,101 - reminder – the GUID has been removed from the 010 message [ARIS, WebForms and XML]
Note that this does not impact on the XML schema ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 B Recent Discussion Requests DR0142 to correct validation relating to Trading Sites within MPD 2 – QH CoS DR0142 : Update to the validation rules within MPD 2 – QH This corrects a validation within MPD 2 relating to Trading Sites. Whereas the validation rule within the Supplementary Information, Registration Validation Rules for a Change of Supplier (QH Metered), currently reads: Where the CoS contains a Trading Site Supplier Unit the registration request must be consistent with the Wholesale Market Registration details. This should be updated to read: Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 B Recent Discussion Requests DR0143 to correct validation relating to Trading Sites within MPD 20 – Change of SSAC and/or Supplier Unit DR0143 : Update to the validation rules within MPD 20 – Change of SSAC and/or Supplier Unit This corrects a validation within MPD 20 relating to Trading Sites. Whereas the validation rule within the Validate Request step currently reads: If a change of Supplier Unit is requested to or from a Trading Site Supplier Unit then the details must be consistent with the Wholesale Market Registration details. This should be updated to read: If a change of Supplier Unit is requested to or from on a Trading Site Supplier Unit then the details must be consistent with the Wholesale Market Registration details. Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
Note that this does not impact on the XML schema ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 C New Discussion Requests For Issue Inconsistency between XML and Data Definition for 4 Date/Time fields At the IGG of 8th March we presented this slide: The following 4 Data Items were specified in MCR120 with composition instructions of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD. This MCR was based on information provided to ESB Networks from the SEMIT in their document SEM-MDP Meter Data Format. Start Period Time End Period Time Interval Start Time Interval End Time However, the MeterData.xsd from the SEMIT (schema definition for upload of MDP Data to SMO) contains these definitions: <xs:element name="START_PERIOD_TIME" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="END_PERIOD_TIME" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="START_TIME" type="xs:dateTime"/> <xs:element name="END_TIME" type="xs:dateTime"/> Each of these four elements are of type XS:DateTime. This implies that they must contain date time values to a level of seconds. In summary there is an inconsistency between the technical specification of the xml schema provided by the SEMIT and the SEM-MDP Meter Data Format which does not include SS level for these DateTime data Items. All elements within the xml schema defined as XS:DateTime will contain SS level data. This is an XML restriction. This inconsistency has been raised by ESB Networks with the SIMDRACS Co-Ordinator. The SMO are changing the Data Definitions for these 4 fields to include :ss, therefore, we will be raising a similar Discussion Request with the Retail Market Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 C New Discussion Requests For Issue Estimations for Indicative Aggregations for QH sites Estimations for Indicative Aggregations for QH sites Indicative Aggregation needs to be provided by MRSO to the SMO by 14:00hrs on a D+1, week day basis. In order to meet this tight timeline, we propose the following for estimates for indicative aggregations for QH sites: to calculate a basic estimate during Data Aggregation for QH sites where there are no reads [and as agreed already, these will not be issuing on 341 messages] and on D+4 if there are no reads, then PDS will provide MRSO with estimates for Initial Data Aggregation in accordance with the QH Estimation, Substitution and Validation rules. And that these estimates will be used in Initial Aggregation and sent out on 341 messages
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 C New Discussion Requests For Issue Estimations for Indicative Aggregations for QH sites………..contd The Basic Rules for the calculation of the estimates are proposed to be: QH Import Default the missing values to Nil when the site is De-Energised If the site is energised, copy the missing data from the same day the previous week - note that this will be done for all days including where there are Bank Holidays If there is no data available from the previous week, then copy the missing data from the same day the previous month If there is still no data available from the same day the previous month, then default the missing values to Nil : Note that we interpret this to mean the same day 4 weeks ago and propose to use this revised wording in the DR Exceptions – Clock Change days For ‘long days’ , the estimate will be copied from 00:00:00 of the previous Sunday into the first hour of the Monday up to 00:59:59 For ‘short days’, the estimate will be copied from 00:00:00 of the previous Sunday up to 22:59:59. Note - The estimate routine will copy each interval in sequence even though at a clock change the hour is added or subtracted from 1-2am
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 3 C New Discussion Requests For Issue Estimations for Indicative Aggregations for QH sites………..contd The Basic Rules for the calculation of the estimates are proposed to be: QH Export The proposal is to estimate NIL Note that this does not impact on the XML schema
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Market Trials…………………..Update The SEMIT/Market Trials Working Group has made initial contact with us on the data they want for the Scripted Phase of Market Trials. Further discussions are needed before the full requirements are finalised. They may potentially want this data from us well in advance of the start of the scripted phase They are looking for data for each Unit - which means that Market Trials Registration information needs to be available
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Market Assurance/IPT ……………..Update IPT is being planned to run mid-end August, provisional dates, subject to confirmation are13/08/07 to 31/08/07 We will be meeting with Gemserv/RMDS in early May to discuss what is needed from our project to facilitate Market Assurance/IPT testing this item will move to the main IGG agenda from now
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 4. Cutover ………………..………………..Update we presented at the IGG of 1st February the provisional approach to the cutover plan, including the proposal to cutover the Retail Market the weekend before SEM go-live this will be reviewed at a later IGG once the SMO cutover proposals become known
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 5. Project Update Current Status Build and Unit Test is complete exception is the Interface for receipt of the QH data for TCON Generators from EirGrid and we will complete the interface build and unit test this week for the 590 to SMO We are currently in the Testing Phase 17 weeks to start of IPT testing - therefore , request the IGG would approve the follwing two-week turnaround from DR to MCR: Request that the IGG would facilitate a ‘fasttracking’ of DRs/MCRs - one week to review DR and then to move to MCR with approval of CER, taking account of Market Participant responses. Once moved to MCR, one week to review and approval of CER taking account
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 6. Next Steps We are continuing to bring to the attention of the IGG any changes to the design as soon as we have all the information. Looking for responses from Market Participants to items raised today by Thursday 26th April MCRs/DRs will issue in the next week for items agreed today outstanding items will be reviewed at the next IGG At the next IGG , we will be updating you on Market Trials Cut-over
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Agenda 1. Review of where we are 2. Issues - Update 3. Recent Discussion Requests / MCRs / New DRs 4. Market Trials, Market Assurance, Cutover 5. Project Update 6. Next Steps 7. TAG Implications
ESB Networks AIP Programme : 7. TAG Implications……………..contd MPCC Release 13.0 Release 13.0 of the MPCC and Webforms was issued to all Market Participants on 16th April by CD. Version 6.1 of the XML schema contains the following additions to v6.0 - Three additional fields to the 595 message - Two new fields PercntConsAct, PercntMPRNEst - GenerationUnitID pattern (GU_nnnnnn) now removed - Version number 06.01.00 MPs should only install Release 13.0 on their Test MPCCs to ensure proper installation and rollback procedures are working. This release will be used for IPT during August - September It should be noted that further changes to the XML schema or webforms may still take place before this time.
ESB Networks AIP Programme : Thank You