FIELD COMPACTION CONTROL PREPARED BY :- Milan Lathiya 13ce38 Pooja kumari 13ce36
FIELD COMPACTION CONTROL The field compaction control consists of the determination of, 1) Dry density 2) Water content
Soil Compaction in the Field: 1- Rammers 2- Vibratory Plates 3- Smooth Rollers 4- Rubber-Tire 5- Sheep foot Roller 6- Dynamic Compaction
Soil Compaction in the Lab: 1- Standard Proctor Test Modified Proctor Test Soil Compaction in the Lab: 1- Standard Proctor Test 2- Modified Proctor Test Standard Proctor Test
1) Dry density Measured using core cutter and sand replacement method. The degree of compaction achieved in the measured by the relative compaction, which defined as the ratio, expressed as a percentage. Relative compaction,
Field Soil Compaction Because of the differences between lab and field compaction methods, the maximum dry density in the field may reach 90% to 95%. Dry Density ZAV gd max 95% gd max Moisture Content (OMC)
Relative compaction For cohesive soils, For cohesionless soils,
2) Water content Measured using oven drying method. In the field water content determined using, Sand bath method Alcohol method(the calcium carbide method) The nuclear method Proctor needle method
Proctor needle test
Disadvantages of proctor needle test It is not reliable for cohesion less soil not Give the execute result for cohesion less soil Advantages Method is fast Reliable for fine grained soil
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