DELI DIALOGUE CAMPAIGN A FeelGood Chapter Lab: CREATING AN EFFECTIVE DELI DIALOGUE CAMPAIGN FACILITATOR GUIDE: Hi everyone! In this chapter lab, we’ll be going through a fun, engaging and hands-on process to turn our deli into an inviting environment for dialogue.
WHY DIALOGUE? FACILITATOR GUIDE: So, why dialogue? Why not just sell grilled cheese and raise money? Anyone have an answer? [NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Take time to let people respond.] Great answers. Bottom line, the conversations we have at our delis are really essential to achieving our mission of ending world hunger. Through dialogue, we are helping to build a strong base of support for the strategies and methods that will be needed to address hunger in all its dimensions: social, economic and environmental. Money alone is not enough. We need the unshakeable will of millions of people behind this mission if it is to succeed.
STEP ONE: CONTENT FACILITATOR GUIDE: Ok, our first step in creating an engaging deli dialogue campaign is to choose what we want to talk about. What should be the focus of our dialogue campaign?
Content Possibilities The basic facts of hunger A primary cause of hunger, like gender equality, climate change, conflict, etc. The progress made in the last decade toward ending hunger and poverty Why ending hunger in 2030 is possible The strategies and impact of your partner organization, focusing on a specific country FACILITATOR GUIDE: Here are some ideas…what else comes to mind? [NOTE TO FACILITATOR: As a team, select a topic for your dialogue campaign. Try to keep it focused and specific, as this will help you develop a more creative and engaging campaign. If there is a lot of energy around several topics, have people speak to why they think a particular topic should be addressed. Then have a vote. Mention too that you can have several deli dialogue campaigns throughout the year, so eventually everyone’s top choice will get its turn.]
THE CREATIVE ELEMENTS FACILITATOR GUIDE: Ok, now that we have our topic, our next step is to come with a creative and inviting way to engage customers in conversation.
The Lure The Hook The Reel FACILITATOR GUIDE: To guide us through this process, we’ll be using a model that draws on a fishing analogy. For our campaign, we’ll be coming up with a lure, a hook, and a reel. Let’s quickly review what each of these elements represents. [NOTE TO FACILITATOR: Before going into what each element represents, you might want to ask people for their ideas first. It’s a nice way to make it interactive and to get everyone’s brain engaged.]
The Lure FACILITATOR GUIDE: Let’s start with The Lure. As in fishing, the lure is what attracts the attention of a passerby. It’s something that makes a person stop and take notice. Ideally, the lure would in some way connect to the subject of our dialogue campaign. Here are two examples of lures. One is a person in a grilled cheese costume, which invites a general dialogue about our mission. The other is a person standing in a garbage can, which invites a conversation about the number of people whose lives are “thrown away” because of chronic hunger.
The Hook FACILITATOR GUIDE: Next is The Hook. The lure draws attention, and the hook captures interest. It creates a question that the person wants to have answered. When you create such a question, a dialogue will follow. Here is one example of a “hook.” It is a jar full of BBs, and next to it is written the question, ‘Guess how many BBs are in this jar…Ask us why.” The number of BBs in the jar corresponds to the number of people who die every day from chronic hunger. By creating curiosity around a question…how many BBs are in this jar?…we have created an opening for a dialogue, and an opportunity to dive deeper into what the answer really means.
The Reel FACILITATOR GUIDE: And finally, The Reel. Once e have captured someone’s interest, the “reel” is our method or device for continuing the dialogue in a sustained way. Some people will “unhook” themselves and move on, their grilled cheese sandwich in hand. Others will want to know more. Having our reel ready to go is important for engaging those people further. A reel can take many forms. For example, it can be a display of some sort, like this, or even a game. What’s important is that our reel keeps a customer’s interest while facilitating further exploration and dialogue.
LET’S GET CREATIVE! The Lure The Hook The Reel FACILITATOR GUIDE: Ok, now its time to get creative and come up with ideas for lures, hooks and reels for our campaign! [NOTE TO FACILITATOR: For this part of the lab, if you have enough people, divide into teams of 4-6, each team focused on creating a campaign using the three creative elements: lure, hook or reel. You might also want to challenge them to see if they can integrate a social media aspect to the campaign. Give each team 15 minutes to come up with as many ideas as they can, encouraging them to really think outside the box. Then have have each team share their ideas. Pick the best and voila, you have your campaign! (If you don’t have enough people to break into teams, then stay together and brainstorm ideas for each element, taking about 10 minutes per element.)] Once you are done, be sure to share your campaign concept The Lure The Hook The Reel