How to Get the Most Out of Your CPS Clickers
Overview Get quick feedback Students love it! Easy grading
Parts of the Clicker
Steps to Using Your Clicker Create a class Create a lesson Engage the lesson (collect student responses) Analyze results
1) Create a Class “Prepare” Tab “Classes & Students” “New””Class” Enter names Only 1 name required You can change/add/delete names anytime You can also reassign Pad numbers anytime
2) Create a Lesson “Prepare” Tab “Lessons & Assessments” “New””FastGrade Lesson” Name the lesson Enter Correct Answers Lots of types available Click “Add” after each numeric answer
2) Create a Lesson Enter Correct Answers Lots of types available Click “Add” after each numeric answer
3) Engage Lesson “Engage” Tab Select the lesson Select Type & Class pick only 1 Select Type & Class “Assessment Setup” Student paced is good! “Engage”
Engage Lesson Check “Color Feedback” “Start” Students submit answers End the lesson whenever you’re ready
Analyze Results “Report” Tab “Gradebook” Open a smaller window w/eSembler & enter grades right in! “Reports”double-click any session Play around with these to see what you like best Suggestions: Instructor Summary Question Grid Export Study Guide
Resources Manuals We use CPS Pulse Online Training (weekly)