Grievance A grievance is the formal articulation of a complaint usually in writing and with the assistance or involvement of a union/representative.
Grievance procedure Peaceful method of conflict resolution, leading to reduction in industrial action Facilitates quicker and effective results Accommodates improved communication and working relationships Natural justice for employees Results in increased productivity and efficiency
Grievance procedure WHO (was involved) WHY (did incident occur WHEN WHERE WHAT (remedy is being sought) REMEDIES : Rehabilitative Punitive PROBLEMS : Equity Issues Rights Issues
Criterion to be met To be effective and to meet employers legal responsibilities a grievance procedure must :
Criterion written down, easily understood and communicated to staff, taking into account any special requirements (put on audio cassette, video or placed on the company’s web site)
Criterion cont. Must be user friendly and trusted by all parties
Criterion contd. Time limit that grievance will be handled within must be stated.
Criterion All grievance should be handled fairly confidentially and without reprisals
Criterion cont. Identify steps to be taken Who will take them Settle grievance at the lowest possible level.
Grievance resolution strategies All parties to the grievance should have access to support ie. Legal representation, counseling, union rep. Types of solutions to be reached should be outlined, solutions should be consistent Only relevant information should be considered State who will keep the records and who will have access An appeal system should be in place.