Mrs. Dugas – Classroom News December 5th – 9th Mrs. Dugas – A peek at the week + Mark your calendar * Math: subtract 2 digit numbers with and w/out regrouping identify more than 1 way to make a number use models to regroup 1 ten as 10 ones Religion: describe some of Jesus’ teachings discuss importance of listening at mass Social Studies: + distinguish between a good and service + distinguish between a producer and consumer Reading: leveled readers vocabulary author’s purpose Language: recognize verbs for past, present, and future Spelling: singular and plural words Phonics doubling consonants before adding ending Drop final e before adding ending Tues. Dec. 6 – Santa pics Thurs. Dec. 8 – mass 8:30 a.m. for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. A Note from Your Teacher: n We are running low on cap erasers. Since they break easily, please try and send your child to school with a large, pink eraser that can be kept in his/her pencil pouch. We will not have school mass on Wednesday but will instead have it on Thursday as it is a holy day. Have a great weekend and upcoming week. Mrs. Dugas* r December birthdays z Keira – 4th Jack – 31st Allison – 14th Caylee – 17th Jesus – Dec. 25
Mrs. Dugas – Test Schedule December 5th – 9th Mrs. Dugas – Upcoming Tests: Wednesday Math timed quiz (25 problems in 4 min.) Thursday Language test on verbs for past, present, and future tense (A study sheet will come home on Tuesday.) Friday Spelling test Reading quiz on author’s purpose (Refer to workbook p. 104-105) Spelling words: n note supplies notes centuries lunch lunches story stories tune tunes switch switches baby babies crumbs r Notes: Reading books will not come home next week since we aren’t starting a new story until the following week. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Vocabulary words shoe guess science watch wad pretty village won z
* + n r z