Whilst a PCBU who engages an Independent Contractor has a primary duty of care to the Contractor., it is just as important to be aware that as a Contractor, you have specific duties under the Model WHS Act, specifically Section 28 – duties of workers! Take reasonable care that your acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others. Comply with any policy or procedure the PCBU notifies to you relating to health and safety in the workplace. Comply with any reasonable instruction given by the PCBU (for the purposes of the PCBU complying with a duty of the Act) Take reasonable care for your own health and safety Contractor Duties If you have workers whilst retained by another PCBU, you are not absolved of your duty of care to your own workers and others in the workplace. This means that there may be complex and overlapping duties of care operating in the same workplace. The application of identifying all duty holders and consulting, co-operating and co-ordinating health and safety activities is fundamental to duty holders complying with their duty of care. workpro.com.au