Lecture 25 The Tao that can be talked about is not the true Tao Opening line of Tao Te Ching
Arrays Remember strings. They are collections of characters which are stored in memory sequentially. We want to be able to have a sequence of variables of any type. There are many applications when this would be helpful.
Arrays Pascal offers arrays to address this problem. Array is simply a sequence of variables of some type addressable via index. For example: TYPE IntegerArray = ARRAY[1..5] of integer; Size or range Type name Basic type of element Type keyword Array keyword
Arrays TYPE IntegerArray = ARRAY[1..5] of integer; You can now do this: VAR aMyArray : IntgerArray; That is, you can now have a variable of this type! What does this new variable look like in memory? aMyArray[ 1 ] aMyArray[ 2 ] aMyArray[ 3 ] ...
Arrays You can have arrays of any basic types TYPE CharArray = ARRAY[1..10] of char; TYPE BoolArray = ARRAY[1..100] of boolean; TYPE RealArray = ARRAY[1..7] of real; TYPE NegIntArray = ARRAY[-10..10] of boolean; TYPE WhatIsThis = ARRAY[‘a’..’z’] of integer;
Numbers in reverse Write a program which reads in integers into an array and then prints them in reverse.
Grades histogram
Letter frequency Write a program which reads in several English sentences and displays letter frequency histogram
Home work Read 10.1,10.2 Hw #7 due Monday, December 14th (ABSOLUTE DEADLINE) Optional problems: page 473 #1, 2, 6, 13, 15 Look at last year’s final Start reviewing
Programs from this lecture Numbers in reverse Grade histogram1 Grade histogram2 Letter frequency