East Asia Jeopardy
East Asia Jeopardy People Beliefs Misc Vocab Practice 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL
A Tibetan monk or teacher People – 100 A Tibetan monk or teacher What is a Lama? ===
Siddhartha Gantama === People - 200 Also known as Buddha, the original name of the historical man who founded Buddhism was Siddhartha Gantama ===
Spiritual leader/teacher of the Buddhist faith People - 300 Spiritual leader/teacher of the Buddhist faith Who is the Dalai Lama? ===
Also known as Confucius People - 400 Also known as Confucius Who is Master Kong? ===
Someone who puts nirvana on hold to help others reach liberation. People - 500 Someone who puts nirvana on hold to help others reach liberation. Who is a Bodhisattva? ===
Core teachings and virtue of Buddhism Beliefs– 100 Core teachings and virtue of Buddhism What is Dharma? ===
The ultimate state of liberation, the end goal within Buddhism Beliefs - 200 The ultimate state of liberation, the end goal within Buddhism What is Nirvana? ===
Religion in Japan, central beleifs of Kami and Samurai’s Beliefs - 300 Religion in Japan, central beleifs of Kami and Samurai’s What is Shinto? ===
=== Beliefs - 400 The four noble truths What are 1. Suffering exists 2. Suffering originates in our desires 3. Suffering will cease if all desires cease 4. There is a way to realize this state = the Eightfold path ===
What is becoming a “Superior Man” Beliefs – 500 Central Confucian belief that People are considered basically good and need to learn to harness that good through self control and hard work. What is becoming a “Superior Man” ===
What are Jataka Tales? === Misc. - 100 Buddhist morality tales in which Buddha is typically an animal at the beginning of the story What are Jataka Tales? ===
The two religions found in China What are Daoism and Confucianism? Misc. – 200 The two religions found in China What are Daoism and Confucianism? ===
The two major branches of Buddhism What are Theravada and Mahayana? Misc. - 300 The two major branches of Buddhism What are Theravada and Mahayana? ===
A branch of Buddhism that does not allow nuns Misc. - 400 A branch of Buddhism that does not allow nuns What is Mahayana? ===
Misc. - 500 Major religious/political country conflict regarding the Dalai Lama What are China and Tibet? ===
What is Meditation? === Vocab - 100 The practice of transforming the mind and using it to explore itself - we practiced this in class. What is Meditation? ===
Vocab - 200 Buddhist scripture What is the Pali Canon? ===
Central Daoism belief of going with the flow or “the way” Vocab – 300 Central Daoism belief of going with the flow or “the way” What is Dao? ===
=== Vocab - 400 What is Yin and Yang? The great ultimate that is opposite but balanced. EX: male, female, black, white, hard, soft, feminine, masculine. What is Yin and Yang? ===
The sacred scripture within Daoism Vocab - 500 The sacred scripture within Daoism What is Tao Te Ching? ===
The practice of non-violence within Buddhism What is Ahimsa? ===
What is Zen? === Practice - 200 Emphasizing the essence of Buddha's teachings through direct insight into ones own mind What is Zen? ===
What is a Mandala? === Practice - 300 A symmetrical image, with shapes emerging from a center, used as a meditation focus. In the movie Kundun, we seem them made of sand and often destroyed. What is a Mandala? ===
What is Self-Immolation? Practice - 400 The act of setting oneself on fire for a religious cause What is Self-Immolation? ===
The noble eightfold path Practice - 500 The noble eightfold path What are Right understanding Right thought Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right meditation ===
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Jeopardy II A W
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