Loneliness and Social Isolation in Gloucestershire


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Presentation transcript:

Loneliness and Social Isolation in Gloucestershire

Who does it affect? All ages Men and women People living alone People with physical and mental health conditions People with dementia Bereaved Carers

How does it affect them? Physical health Mental health Wellbeing Participation in the community

What are the wider costs? Limited evidence base and difficult to measure Health costs GP and A&E attendance Contribution to the community Carer burnout

Key Risk Factors Being over 80 – there is a steep rise amongst the oldest old Low income – there is a direct correlation between low income and loneliness and isolation in older age Poor physical/mental health Living alone In isolated rural or deprived urban communities Being single/divorced/never married Living in care - around 400,000 people live in residential care and while not socially isolated and in regular contact with a range of people, loneliness can be a serious issue for many Transitions in older age – e.g. retirement, bereavement, sensory impairment, declining physical health, forced cessation of driving

Gloucestershire County Council model of social isolation Acorn map Gloucestershire County Council model of social isolation

Age UK model of loneliness

Strong Communities Community Connectors Social Prescribing Voluntary sector Housing – more than bricks and mortar Reducing dependency culture and paternalism – positive risk taking

Community Connectors Social Groups & support Arts & Culture Using a person-led approach to connect people to their community ‘I went in to get a letter about me not driving anymore and wanting to. The GP said to me I have got a man who can help you with that and everything else and since then he has helped me with so many things I don’t know what I would have done. I have my driving licence sorted, I have got help with caring for my husband and I now have a new circle of friends’ (A social prescribing patient) Physical activity & lifestyle Social Groups & support Arts & Culture Welfare, benefits & employment Environment & horticulture Place-based in local communities Using local knowledge about what exists and identifying gaps Understanding the person: Their strengths and their needs interventions aim to address all patient needs in a holistic way (anything from loneliness through to domestic violence). This is done through co-production, identification of need and action; thus the patient and the prescriber seek to achieve the promotion of self-management. There are no time limits to the relationship and links cease only on the achievement of improved well-being.
