پایگاه اطلاعاتی Clinical Key دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قزوین
Content: A comprehensive clinical Search engine by Elsevier •covering all medical and surgical specialties •+900 top books (Elsevier medical and surgical reference books) •medical and surgical clinics of North America •First Consult point-of-care clinical monographs •Clinical Pharmacology drug monographs •Guideline information •Elsevier patient education •+ 500 top journals : currently more than 600,000 articles such as Journal of the American College of Cardiology and The Lancet. • +20 million MEDLINE abstracts, which are retrieved each day from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). •+ 13,000 medical and procedural videos (Elsevier medical and surgical videos ) –Journal articles are added to ClinicalKey's database as new issues are published
Search Filters •By Content type •By specialty •By time/relevance –10 content types available •By specialty –All medical and surgical specialties •By time/relevance –View results from the last 6 months to last 5 years. –Results are sorted by relevance automatically •By Study Type
مثالی از يك مقاله + كليد واژه هاي MeSH
ذخيره نتايج/ ايجاد فهرست منابع مطالعه/ تهيه پاورپوينت ثبت نام كنيد تا از امكانات بيشتري بهره ببريد
The Presentation Maker Any image can be dragged and dropped into the Presentation box at the top of the right panel to dynamically create a presentation •Organize your presentation by clicking on the Presentation box or select Presentation Maker from My ClinicalKey. • View all the images you have saved to the presentation. •Create your presentation in PowerPoint by clicking the Export to PowerPoint button at the top left of the Presentation Maker window.
+ 4000 Guidelines in all specialities
تداخلات دارويي Drugs section: فهرست الفبايي داروها : بيش از 2900 دارو عوارض جانبي كاربرد دارو فهرست الفبايي داروها : بيش از 2900 دارو رده هاي دارويي تداخلات دارويي
Multimedia: Image & Videos
ويدئو ، تصاوير و موارد مرتبط