WELCOME TO Hillgrove Chorus 2016-2017 August 11, 2016 Parent Meeting
Agenda 1. Introduction of Executive Officers 2. Minutes 3. Treasurer’s report 4. Important dates 5. Field trips/competitions 6. San Francisco 7. Fundraisers 8. Volunteer opportunities
Executive Officers 2016-2017 Kit Robertson, President Lorena Elsey, Vice-President Laura Sinyard, Treasurer Beth Pound, Secretary
Minutes Please refer to the handout. Minutes are always posted on the website: www.hillgrovechorus.wordpress.com PLEASE put your email into the “subscribe” field and when the website is updated, you will get an email.
Treasurer’s Report Laura Sinyard, Treasurer Please refer to the report both posted and on the handout.
UGA Choral Day Fees Due ($30) All-State Chorus Fees Due ($20) Important Dates – FALL 2016 (this came home with your child on Wednesday) August 10 – World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Begins August 11 – Hillgrove Chorus Kick-off Parent Meeting 7:00pm – Chorus Room August 12 - Chorus Dues Due ($35/semester; $60/year)* August 31 – Chorus Uniform Fees Due* UGA Choral Day Fees Due ($30) All-State Chorus Fees Due ($20) September 21 – Rutter “Gloria” Concert – Bailey Center For the Performing Arts – KSU; 7:00pmSelect Women’s Ensemble & Men’s Ensemble September 22 – UGA Choral Day – University of Georgia Athens, GA * denotes items or events in which all Hillgrove chorus students are required to participate. All checks should be made payable to HHSCBA, placed in an envelope provided, and dropped in the Payment Box outside Mr. Stoner’s office.
Important Dates – FALL 2016 (Continued) October 13 – Hillgrove Fall Concert* Joseph Boland Theater Call Times – TBA; 7:00pm Performance October 17 – Southern Invitational Competition fee due (tbd) November 4 – Southern Invitational Choral Competition Select Women’s Ens. and Men’s Ens. Only November 5 – Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Field Trip (Chorus/Band/Orch) November 12 – All-State Chorus Auditions Woodland HS - Cartersville December 8 – Hillgrove Holiday Concert* Joseph Boland Theater * denotes items or events in which all Hillgrove chorus students are required to participate. All checks should be made payable to HHSCBA, placed in an envelope provided, and dropped in the Payment Box outside Mr. Stoner’s office.
Handbook /Dues/Uniforms HANDBOOK: going home with students next week. DUES: Chorus dues cover costs such as music, accompanist fees, and classroom enhancements. There will be additional fees for competitions, field trips and uniforms. Option #1 $60 ONE-TIME payment due August 1 ($63 if using PayPal) This includes: Membership to Choral Booster Association 2016-2017 Chorus Tee Shirt ($10 value) 1 Student ticket to the Spring Banquet ($15 value) Option #2 $35 EACH SEMESTER due August 1 and January 5 ($38 if using PayPal)
Uniforms (continued) TREBLE CHOIR – 4th Block Black, full-length dress, pearl necklace* Option #1 – RENT $35 for the year for the dress $10 to buy the pearl necklace if you don’t own one Option #2 – BUY $65 to buy the dress *Please note, if you are a 9th grader and you BOUGHT your dress from Mrs. Robinson last year, it is the same dress and you are set. If you didn’t, you have the option here
SELECT WOMEN’S ENSEMBLE – SELECT MEN’S ENSEMBLE – 3rd Block Black, full-length dress with crimson shoulder detail, pearl necklace $65 buy-only option $10 to buy the pearl necklace if you don’t own one Uniforms (continued) SELECT MEN’S ENSEMBLE – 2nd Block Black Tuxedo, crimson vest, black tie Option #1 – RENT $50 for the year Option #2 – BUY $100 to buy
Field Trips/Competitions Rutter “Gloria” Concert – KSU (SWE and SME) UGA Choral Day Southern Invitational Choral Competition (SWE and SME) – will require additional fee (tbd) ASO Field Trip for Chorus/Band/Orch – will require additional fee (tbd) Allstate Chorus – Athens, GA Literary Meet LGPE
San Francisco 2017 HILLGROVE CHORUS GOES TO SAN FRANCISCO! WHEN: April 2 -5, 2017 WHO: Choral students who have paid their yearly chorus dues ($35 per semester/$38 if using PayPal) WHAT: 4 days and 3 nights in the City by the Bay.
Activities will include: Tour of Stanford University Choral master class led by Dr. Stephen Sano Interpretive tour of Alcatraz Attend performance at The San Francisco Playhouse Attend performance at the BATS Improv Theatre in the Fisherman’s Wharf district Visit to the Golden Gate Bridge Fabulous food in and around the San Francisco area HOW: A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit of $150 will be due by all students who want to go on the trip in August. Installments will be due throughout the school year, dates TBA, which will total $1410 per student (based on 30 students at 4 per room). If you are interested in being a chaperone the cost is $1530 per chaperone. (2 adults per room)
Fundraisers Sheets+ - Ongoing - $15 of each $35 set sold goes into the student’s account. World’s Finest Chocolate+ - August 19-Sept 9 Pampered Chef+ - (September) Tumblers+ - Oct. 6-Nov. 10 Applebees+ - Dec. 10 (tickets sold beforehand) *Spirit nights: Zaxby’s (INCLUDING a car wash on Friday, Aug. 26) – Tuesday Sept. 13, 2016 & Tuesday January 17, 2017 Marco’s - 1 night Moe’s - 2 nights Spaghetti dinner - Feb. 9 (tickets sold Tues Jan 10 - Tues Jan 31) (*benefits the chorus as a whole) (+benefits the particular student)
Volunteer Opportunities WE NEED YOU! Fundraising Committee – help organize the kids, help organize the products or services, help put out flyers/signs Pre-Concert Hospitality – help with organizing and feeding the kids before concerts Chaperones – needed for all field trips and competitions Uniforms – measuring, ordering and matching up with students Spring Banquet – communication with church, decorating, stamping tickets, monitoring guests at banquet
Please remember to subscribe to the blog! THANK YOU FOR COMING! Please remember to subscribe to the blog! www.hillgrovechorus.wordpress.com