Colonial Government


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Presentation transcript:

Colonial Government

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina Lord Ashley Cooper worked with John Locke to create the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. Under the Constitution, all settlers were given a grant of land. The richer investors were given large estates. To attract settlers, freedom of religion was allowed. Only Catholics were denied. Encouraged the Headright system.

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina How it Worked Each proprietor appointed a deputy, who served on the Grand Council with other nobles and elected representatives. The Grand Council created laws and served as the court for the colony. Later, the government split. Officials appointed by the proprietors stayed in the Grand Council. Elected officials moved from the Council to the Commons House of Assembly.

Two Carolinas The northern and southern parts of Carolina developed differently. Poor, small farmers from Virginia settled in the north. Prosperous rice planters settled in the south. Wilderness and dangerous seas off the coast separated the north from the south. Because it was so hard to govern both parts together, in 1712, North Carolina and South Carolina became separate colonies with their own governments.

Unstable & Divided Government Goose Creek Men and the Dissenters were two factions that fought because of religious and political differences. The Goose Creek Men tried to take over and make the Church of England the official church of the colony. The Church Act made the Anglican Church the official church and split the colony into 10 parishes. Each parish served as an election district. Trouble with the Native Americans brought the two factions together.

Yamassee War Native Americans were upset because of mistreatment by the settlers. Trade Abuses, enslavement, and settlement drove the Natives to a breaking point.

Yamassee War (cont.) The Yamassee launched an attack that threw the colony into war. Even though the settlers defeated the Yamassee, other tribes kept fighting. The Cherokee helped bring an end to the war. Their motivation was not to help the English, but to seek revenge on the Creek Indians.

A Tale of Two Pirates The threat of pirates also led colonists to seek help from England. Charleston was a big target for pirates because it was an important port. Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet were pirates who caused a lot of trouble in South Carolina. Video About Pirates

Stede Bonnet was caught, tried, and executed. A Tale of Two Pirates Stede Bonnet was caught, tried, and executed. Blackbeard, despite being shot five times, continued to fight but was brutally killed in his final battle. His head was displayed on a pole in the front of a ship as a warning to other pirates. Why do you think the colonists punished Blackbeard and Bonnet so harshly?

Pirates of the Caribbean

Revolution of 1719 The Lords Proprietors didn’t provide colonists with any protection from the Spanish, Pirates, or Native Americans. It seemed the Proprietors were only interested in making money. Colonists began taking steps to protect themselves.

Revolution of 1719 The Goose Creek Men and the Dissenters joined forces and asked England to take over the colony directly. England appointed a royal governor and for 10 years negotiated with the Lords Proprietors to get control of South Carolina. In 1729, South Carolina became a royal colony.


A Royal Government In 1720, the Privy Council to appointed a temporary governor, Sir Francis Nicholson. Leading the colony was the Royal Governor. Royal Governors were appointed by the king and approved all laws made by the legislature.

South Carolina had a bicameral legislature, meaning it had two houses. A Royal Government South Carolina had a bicameral legislature, meaning it had two houses. Royal Council (Upper House) was appointed by the British government in London. Commons House of Assembly (Lower House) was one of the houses. They were elected by qualified voters in the colony

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