The moon passes through phases or stages Until it becomes a full moon until it becomes like an old date- stalk Until it becomes like the new crescent None of the above
Explain the Verse: There is a sign for them in the lifeless earth. We revive it and We produce grain from it of which they eat
Allah is talking about the dead earth here and telling us that just as He brings the dead earth back to life by growing in it plants, trees, fruits, grains, etc., in the same way He will bring our dead bones back to life on the Day of Judgement and it is not hard for Him at all. He also mentions the seed in this verse, and this seed is like a continuous reminder for us about the Day of Resurrection, for it is from this seed that Allah germinates the grains and fruits for us from which we eat and enjoy. Allah is in this way reminding us and making us ponder on the reality of the Day of Judgement and how He will resurrect the dead back from their coccyx bone (which is here likened to the seed).
So that animals and humans eat from eat Allah gives us a similitude in the lifeless earth, how He brings it to life with vegetation and crops: So that animals and humans eat from eat in the same way He will bring the dead to life on the Day of Judgement To beautify the earth just like Paradise is beautiful
Explain the Verse: We have placed in it gardens of date palms and vines, and caused springs to gush [forth] from it,
Explain the Verse: so that they may eat its fruit, though it was not their hands that made this. Will they not then be grateful?
Allah created all things in pairs meaning: The male and the female Everything is born with a partner not only male and female but it also means that everything created needs something else; they complement each other None of the above
The ones who are on board the ships are saved by: The great technology of our people The rescue ships sent out to them Allah’s Mercy Swimming to shore
Mention some of the signs that Allah has mentioned in Surah Yasin which are like a preview of the Hereafter
What happened when the Prophet (PBUH) and his army entered Makkah? The Quraish tried to fight Abu Sufyan made an announcement to his people not to fight the Muslims Abu Sufyan was taken back in to captivity None of the above
How did the Quran describe the creation of the moon according to the verses of Surah Yasin?
Define Al- Fattah
The Ansar’s fear was the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would stay in Makkah and abandon Madinah. Why was that a concern? Why do you think the Prophet went back to Madinah?
Explain the Verse: And the night is another Sign for them. We strip the day from it and they become plunged in darkness. (Surah Yasin, verse 37)
True Or False Correct the sentence if it is false: The Quraysh came to know of the Muslims preparation for war by the letter of Hatib.
What did the Prophet Mohammad do with the people of Quraish on the day of Fateh Makkah? What lesson do we learn from this?
True Or False Correct the sentence if it is false: The Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) broke the treaty of Hudaibiyah.
Who was Hatib? Write a few lines about him?
When did the Prophet Mohammad and the Muslims march into Makkah?
True Or False Correct the sentence if it is false: Hatib Bin Balta’ah was afraid his family in Makkah might be harmed by the Quraish if the Muslims attacked.
Allah’s name Al-Fattah means The __________. Fill in the Blanks Allah’s name Al-Fattah means The __________.
How did the Prophet (PBUH) find out about the letter of Hatib How did the Prophet (PBUH) find out about the letter of Hatib? What lesson do we learn from this to apply in our life (when we think of doing a sin secretly)?
Define Al- Haleem
How many Muslims participated in the campaign against the Quraish in Makkah?
True or False Correct the sentence if it is false: The Prophet told Abu Sufyan to announce in Makkah that whoever entered Abu Sufyan’s house would be killed but whoever shuts himself up in his house is safe and whoever enters the Holy Mosque is safe.
Define Hilm
Describe how the Prophet (PBUH) entered Makkah.
Fill in the Blanks The Prophet taught everyone a great lesson in “hilm” or _________ when he forgave the ______ who had tortured him and the Muslims even though he had the power to take revenge after the liberation of Makkah.
Who was Abu Quhafah? What did he do?
True Or False Correct the sentence if it is false: After nineteen days, the Prophet and most of the Muslims left Makkah to return to Madinah.
Fill in the Blanks Al-Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet’s ___________, had embraced ____________ secretly almost one year before the campaign on Makkah.