Presidential Brochure This can be either a Job Opportunity Brochure Or you can make it like a menu in a Restaurant Make colorful, not just black and white. Be creative and list the following things :
Presidential Brochure Roles of the President (List 7, describe 3) President’s Term (how many at most, and years per term) Salary and Benefits Qualifications (3 constitutional and 2 others)
Presidential Brochure Duties of the Vice President ( 2 specific things and at least 1 other duty the VP does now) Who succeeds the president after the President pro tempore of the Senate (List the next 3 positions) Which amendment talks about this succession?
Presidential Brochure Also, place on the brochure the current president and vice president of the United States. Give each a heading… For example: United States President : United States Vice President: President January 2017: TBD
Presidential Brochure Grading Rubric All requirements done in Color = 100 All requirements done in B/W = 90 (at most) All requirements done but not in a brochure format, but in color = 80 (at most) All requirements done but not in brochure format or in color = 70 (at most)