Antebellum Sectionalism
Standard 8-Indicator 2 8-4.2 Analyze how sectionalism arose from racial tension, including the Denmark Vesey plot, slave codes and the growth of the abolitionist movement.
Review from Last Week Antebellum-Time Period before the War (Referred to as The Time Period Before the Civil War in the US) Plantation System Impact of the Cotton Gin on the South & North Social Classes-Think about it like a pyramid. Slaves were at the bottom (the most amount of people) and Elite were at the top (the least amount of people)
What is Sectionalism Sectionalism-loyalty to a particular region or section of a country instead of to the nation as a whole Sectionalism-developed in the period after the ratification of the Constitution Economies, cultures, and political interests of the North and the South became more and more different
Origin of Sectional Differences Started in Colonial Period as a result of differences in geographies North-developed a trading region of small farms South-developed the plantation system After the American Revolution, Northern states passed laws to gradually emancipate (free) their slaves
Origin of Sectional Differences (continued) South-invention of the cotton gin resulted in the South being dependent on slave labor Southerners-Democratic-Republicans (Thomas Jefferson) Northerners-Federalists (later Whigs)
Increased Sectionalism Started as a result of the increasing slave population in the South Black population surpassed the white population by the 1720s in SC. Growth rate of slaves increased the fear of slave revolts
Rebellions Denmark Vesey Video (Learn 360 Website) As a result of the Denmark Vesey Plot, South Carolinians became even more fearful of their slaves Virginia-Nat Turner REbellion
Slave Codes Slave codes that had been developed as a result of the Stono rebellion were strengthened to better protect white society General Assembly passed laws that prohibited slaves from meeting, learning to read and write, and that regulated all aspects of slaves’ lives
Result of Rebellions Slave Codes Southerners-feared if slavery could not expand into the territories the national gov’t would be in the hands of the North Slavery would be outlawed Southerners would have among them a large African- American population that they could not control
Abolitionist Movement Goal: Outlaw slavery throughout the United States Started in the North-effective in SC by making slave owners hold onto their slaves even more Abolitionist in SC-popular prior to the Denmark Vesey plot Famous Sisters in SC: Grimke (Sarah and Angelina) were forced to leave the state or keep silent
Abolitionist Movement (continued) Not popular among most northerners Grew with the publication of antislavery newspapers such as The Liberator by William Lloyd Garrison Postmasters in SC-removed mail that they viewed was against slavery Southerners counter the abolitionist with the theory “Positive Good”-slaves were cared for
Impact of Sectionalism Increased by the changes in the Northern economy and politics Development of industry in the North attracted European immigrants to jobs there Growth in Northern population resulted in larger representation in the House of Representatives Concern over the North’s greater voice in Congress led the South to complete rigorously for the admission of new states as slave states in order to maintain the balance of slave and free states in the Senate.
Exit Slip Students will respond to the following questions: What do I understand most about the lesson? What do I somewhat understand about the lesson? What do I least understand about the lesson?