ASSESSMENT UPDATE Spring 2010 & Beyond Title I Part A Committee of Practitioners December 9, 2009 Michael Middleton Director, Special Population Assessments Assessment and Student Information, OSPI
redesign of State Assessments for Spring 2010
Legislative direction for redesign of assessments ESSB 5414 Sec. 1 (7) “The superintendent of public instruction, in consultation with the state board of education, shall begin design and development of an overall assessment system that meets the principles and characteristics described in this section.” Sec. 2 “The superintendent of public instruction shall: “(1) Revise the number of open-ended questions and extended responses in the statewide achievement assessment in grades three through eight and ten to reduce the cost and time of administering the assessment while retaining validity and reliability of the assessment and retaining assessment of critical thinking skills.”
Assessments in Grades 3-8 “Measurements of Student progress”
Measurements of Student Progress READING
Measurements of Student Progress MATHEMATICS
Measurements of Student Progress WRITING and SCIENCE
High school Assessments proficiency exams”
High School Proficiency Exams READING
High School Proficiency Exams MATHEMATICS
High School Proficiency Exams WRITING
High School Proficiency Exams SCIENCE
Special Education Students Accessing MSP & HSPE WAAS-DAPE (formerly the DAW): Reading and Mathematics tests will be shortened forms of the 2009 Spring assessments and will align to the 2010 assessment in the types of items, test length, and session time. Writing will remain the same as with the existing 2010 plan. MSP-Basic and HSPE-Basic: The state will continue to offer students in special education, grades 3-8 and HS the opportunity to assess with the ‘basic’ cut-score defining meeting standard. This does not apply to reporting of AYP, but in the case of HS school students can be used to fulfill graduation requirements.
Number of items and points on the new assessments
Reading item and point totals: 2006 through 2011
Mathematics item and point totals: 2006 through 2011
Science item and point totals: 2006 through 2011
Equating Studies in a Typical Year
Equating and Other Comparability Studies for 2009-10
online testing
Online Testing: Registering a School Online “Demo” A Web-enabled demo of the online testing tool will be available at the beginning of November. The link to the demo will be announced to district assessment coordinators (DACs) via our weekly newsletter. Participation at the “School/Grade/Subject” level Districts will be asked to identify participation by school/grade/subject (for example a district may tell us they want: “Truman MS/6th Gr./Reading”, “Truman MS/8th Gr./Math” and “Truman MS/8th Gr./Reading” Request to Participate Provided by DAC Each DAC will indicate the school(s)/grade(s)/subject(s) for their district. OSPI is developing a Web-based enrollment form. Registration will be from early November through December 11. Confirmations will be sent in early January. Participation is Encouraged We hope every middle school with adequate technology will participate. If there are more registrations than we can handle in this first year, we will do everything we can to assure that all schools wishing to participate can do so.
Schools Can Volunteer to Participate by School-Grade-Subject School C Gr. 6 Math only Gr. 7 Math only Gr. 8 Math only School A Gr. 6 none Gr. 7 none Gr. 8 Rdg only School B Gr. 6 none Gr. 7 Math only Gr. 8 Rdg & Math School D Gr. 6 none Gr. 7 none Gr. 8 none
For More Information/Resources Visit for more information on State Testing MSP/HSPE The Move to Online Testing (including rollout schedule) Item and Points Totals Webinar (PowerPoint and Audio) will be posted at on the Assessment Coordinators Page at: