Report on 802.15 Date: 2017-07-14 Authors: July 2017 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0924r0 July 2017 Report on 802.15 Date: 2017-07-14 Authors: Clint Chaplin, Imagicon Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics
Abstract Report on 802.15 as presented to 802.11 September 2008 July 2013 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0924r0 Abstract Report on 802.15 as presented to 802.11 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics
Initial and two recirculation Sponsor Ballots on the draft. September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.3d 100 Gb/s Initial and two recirculation Sponsor Ballots on the draft. Asking for unconditional approval to submit to RevCom for publication. Working on PAR and CSD for 802.1AC amendment; PAR circulated and was reviewed this week; going to EC for approval to submit PAR to NesCom Slide 3 Slide 3 Page 3 Page 3 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.3e High Rate Close Proximity (HRCP) September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.3e High Rate Close Proximity (HRCP) Published! Slide 4 Slide 4 Page 4 Page 4 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.3f 60GHz Band Extension for 15.3 September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.3f 60GHz Band Extension for 15.3 First WG ballot closed June 9, 2017. Results: 35 yes, 0 no, 5 abstain. Passed! 2 comments received. Comments resolved, recirculation started. Asking EC for conditional approval to start Sponsor Ballot Slide 5 Slide 5 Page 5 Page 5 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.4s Spectrum Resources Usage September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.4s Spectrum Resources Usage Recirculation WG ballot LB141 closed May 26. Results: 61 yes, 4 no, 5 abstain. Recirculation WG ballot LB142 closed July 5. Results: 63 yes, 3 no, 5 abstain. Going out for another recirculation Asking EC for conditional approval to go out for Sponsor Ballot Formed BRC to resolve comments and to handle recirculations and comment resolutions. Slide 6 Slide 6 Page 6 Page 6 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.4t Higher Rate Published! September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.4t Higher Rate Published! Slide 7 Slide 7 Page 7 Page 7 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.4v Regional SUB 1GHz Bands September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.4v Regional SUB 1GHz Bands Published! Slide 8 Slide 8 Page 8 Page 8 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.7r1 Optical Wireless Communication September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.7r1 Optical Wireless Communication Two WG ballots since last report Resolved most of the comments; still a few left. Need updated diagrams and text for next draft. Hoping to have recirculation in late August Planning on an ad-hoc meeting the middle of August in Korea for product demos. Slide 9 Slide 9 Page 9 Page 9 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.8 Peer Aware Communications September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.8 Peer Aware Communications First sponsor ballot closed May 10, 2017. Results: 60 yes, 6 no, 5 abstain. Received 708 comments, 594 Must Be Satisfied. In addition, 240+ rogue comments were received. Resolved all comments, in the process of resolving rogue comments. Hoping to recirculate in August Slide 10 Slide 10 Page 10 Page 10 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.10 Layer 2/Mesh Under Routing (L2R) September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.10 Layer 2/Mesh Under Routing (L2R) Published! Slide 11 Slide 11 Page 11 Page 11 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.12 ULI (Upper Layer Interface) September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.12 ULI (Upper Layer Interface) Optional elements of 802.15.12 L2R Format issues - Dispatch Where should L2R IE be inserted? Format issues - Discovery How is it done with L2R discovery? Answer: they are independent Architecture – Where is L2R management situated? In Application Layer, and in 802.15.12 Management functional block List of management functions Data plane operation using 802.15.12: example of 6lo Device driver presents packet to 802.15.12 with EPD=0xA0ED, and layer-2 addresses Determine the MAC and PHY layer using source and destination layer-2 addresses. We check configuration for MAC & PHY for outgoing Upon reception, ULI-6lo ID allows routing to the proper higher-layer device driver. Must fully consider forwarding and date concatenation data-plane effects Management plane operation using 802.15.12 Discussion about enabling configuration from higher-layer protocol Netconf CoMI Ioctl() Need for remote configuration Discussion about how to identify profiles Could associate some with device drivers in the way that Unix does (e.g., “eth0”) Can multiple profiles be associated with a single device driver? For instance, SUN FSK with or without L2R? Slide 12 Slide 12 Page 12 Page 12 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
802.15.13 Multi Gigabit/sec Optical Wireless Communications September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 802.15.13 Multi Gigabit/sec Optical Wireless Communications OWC Tutorial Monday 7:30-8:50 p.m.: Well done! Review Status of D0 of TG13 D0 needs more interactive work Hardly doable by individual comments and resolution Heard contribution, resolved all comments uploaded so far Discussed further open issues f2f New contribution on unified frame structure Debate was partly finished, will be revised and continued in Kona 2 technical motions that considerably simplify the draft Ad-hoc meeting July 17 and 19 at Fraunhofer HHI Agenda: ad-hoc-meeting-slides.ppt Request to provide further comments until August 27 Slide 13 Slide 13 Page 13 Page 13 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
High Rate Rail Communications IG January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 High Rate Rail Communications IG Slide 14 Slide 14 Page 14 Page 14 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
THz IG 2 joint meetings with TG3d on Tue PM1+ PM2 5 contributions: September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 THz IG 2 joint meetings with TG3d on Tue PM1+ PM2 13 participants (incl. 7 students particpating in the Outreach Program) 5 contributions: Contribution # 1 Rolf Kraemer, “Wireless 100 Gb/s and beyond: Actual research approaches within a DFG special priority program (SPP1655),” (15-17-0341r02) Contribution # 2 Robert Müller, “Fast-Spot - Channel Analysis and Demonstration at 200 GHz for Extremely High Data Rates in Ultra Dense Environments,” (15-17-0342r00) Contribution # 3 Sebastian Rey, “An Ultra Wide Band MIMO Channel Sounder operating at 60 and 300 GHz”(15-17-0397r01) Contribution # 4 Iwao Hosako, “Antenna characteristics for design and evaluation of 300GHz wireless communication systems,” (15-17-0356r00) Contribution # 5 Sebastian Rey, “A first Phased Array Antenna at 300GHz,” (15-17-0396r00) Slide 15 Slide 15 Page 15 Page 15 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
Dependable IG September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 Dependable IG Review Discussion in Previous Meetings Call for Agenda in this week Review of IG-DEP activities for these years since 2012 Review of Call for Interest(CFI): doc.#15-14-0449-06-0dep Review of Scope and Focused Applications with Different QoS Levels; doc.#15-16-0111-00-0dep 3. Overview of ID-DEP activities including responses for CFI and seeking sponsors and supporting parties doc.#15-17-0176-01-0dep 4. Study 6TiSCH in IETF to start collaborating for dependability in common use cases. 5. Reviewing FFPJ presentation at IEEE802.11&15 joint tutorial session of March meeting in Vancouver doc.#15-17-0394-00-0dep Review and revise technical requirement, PAR, and CSD for IEEE 802.15.TG doc.#15-16-0557-03-0dep doc.#15-16-0290-02-0dep Discussion on Necessity of a New Standard for Enhanced Dependability in Wireless Networks for focused applications doc.#15-17-0420-00-0dep Organization of two invited speeches in WNG session of Mid Plenary 1. Presentation of car manufacturer NISSAN from Japan doc.#15-17-0398-00-0dep 2. Presentation of car component manufacturer MAHLE from Germany doc.#15-17-0399-01-0dep Necessary Process and Possible Timeline to SG and next steps Discussion on timeline for September in Big Island and later Slide 16 Slide 16 Page 16 Page 16 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
Low Power Wide Area Networks IG September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 Low Power Wide Area Networks IG Research Project “BATS”, Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg) 17/383 : Update on ETSI LTN, Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg) 17/373: LPWAN_SLIDES-IEEE_802-15-IG_LPWA, Charlie Perkins (Futurewei) 17/249: Summary of IEEE Std 802.15.4 LECIM, Pat Kinney, 17/248: Suitability of IEEE 802.15.4k, Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg), 17/346: Packet Splitting for Improved Robustness, Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg), 17/344: On IETF LPWAN , Pascal Thubert (Cisco Systems), 17/417r1: Suitability Evaluation of Modulation Schemes 17/347r0: Suitability Evaluation of FEC Schemes 17/375r0: Suitability Evaluation of Connectivity 17/376r1: Suitability Evaluation of Network Topologies 17/379, Suitability Evaluation of MAC Schemes 17/378, Suitability Evaluation of Encryption Schemes 17/377, Next Steps: Indicate use-cases (defined in 16/770r5) that are currently not supported and are highly suitable for LPWAN, Finalize IG report Agree on recommendations to IEEE Slide 17 Slide 17 Page 17 Page 17 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
Vehicular Assistive Technology IG September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 Vehicular Assistive Technology IG Contribution presentations: + 13 contributions from Kookmin University and SNUST Discussions and completed - Publicizing VAT IG activities Slide 18 Slide 18 Page 18 Page 18 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
Maintenance SC Corrigendum comment resolution Update draft September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 Maintenance SC Corrigendum comment resolution Update draft Discussion on next revision changes Review roll-up document consisting of approved amendments, etc. Discussion of other changes to 802.15.4 standard Slide 19 Slide 19 Page 19 Page 19 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
IETF SC Status Updates IEEE 802.15 and IETF liaison communications September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 IETF SC Status Updates 6tisch Core 6lo Roll Detnet lp-wan t2trg Ace IEEE 802.15 and IETF liaison communications Slide 20 Slide 20 Page 20 Page 20 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
WNG SC Presentations: Two presentations: September 2008 January 2009September 2008 May 2008 July 2013 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/xxxxr0 WNG SC Presentations: Two presentations: On the way to Industry 4.0 (15-16-0399-00) by Johannes Diem of Mahle International GmbH, and Demand of Highly Reliable Wireless Network and Future Vision for Car Manufacturing Line in Factory (15-17-0398-00) by Hiroshi Kobayashi of Nissan Motors Slide 21 Slide 21 Page 21 Page 21 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung
References This document All Documents July 2013 September 2008 May 2008 January 2009September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0697r0 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/0924r0 References This document All Documents Current draft is in the members-only area Members_Only_Area 802.11 members log in using 802.11 username and password Slide 22 Page 22 Clint Chaplin, Samsung Electronics Clint Chaplin, Samsung