IHEP group in PANDA physics: status and requests Vasily Mochalov (IHEP-Protvino)
Protvino and Dubna main tasks Electromagnetic form-factors in ee- channel Polarization effects (hyperons …) together with PNPI Chi_c studies JINR (Dubna) Electromagnetic processes (in μμ and ee channels) 05.09.2011 V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI
V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI Status 1 Polarization study – theoretical description (effective color field) – no requests required Chi_c study – theoretical description, we are interested in MC simulation 05.09.2011 V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI
Status form-factor study Electromagnetic form-factor Event generator for signal channel is tuned, ready to produce data Background channels are chosen Digitization / Reconstruction code is finished for forward calorimeter. Storage for data keeping is under searching, since it requires at least 30 TB of disk space. 05.09.2011 V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI
V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI Issues/ Problems Global PID from all detectors is required (also request from Dubna group) Forward tracking is absent. It is required for background simulation (suppression study up to 10^8 !!) Event generator for background (π+π- , π0π0 ) is still absent in PandaRoot, we are waiting for using generator from French group. Lack of disc space on the GRID 05.09.2011 V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI
V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI Tasks/solutions Tuning of FSC/EMC code: shower shape analysis, global PID (partial implemented) and prepare codes (Dubna group requirements) Neuron net training for FSC shower shape We are ready to generate data for form-factor, if We have enough disk space (at least 30 TB) Background generator is ready 05.09.2011 V. Mochalov, PANDA meeting at GSI