Pure Fashion Camp Counselor Catherine Maloney
What is Pure Fashion Camp? a two-week long summer camp for middle school-aged girls that is meant to develop and maintain self-esteem while incorporating fashion Right: the final fashion show
Activities Involved a lot of preparation, creativity and thought beforehand Games, crafts, activities EX: Project runway, fashion shows, activities demonstrating how to dress in certain specific situations Different theme each day ie. “spa day,” “formal dress day,” “casual day”
Message The camp is meant to teach girls to respect themselves and to present themselves in a way that conveys a good message Shows girls how to dress stylishly and somewhat modestly at the same time
Influence on me While being a counselor at this camp was exhausting at times, it really showed me leadership and how to be a good role model for younger girls. I formed relationships with these girls and got them to open up to me. At the end of the week, I gave each girl an award and spoke about each girl individually in front of all the girls’ parents. I also talked about my experience and about why I felt this movement was so important.