The Prophetic Mission of


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Presentation transcript:

The Prophetic Mission of Joseph Smith ~ Lesson 21 Student Readings: • 2 Nephi 3:1–21; Doctrine and Covenants 122:1–2; 135:3; Joseph Smith - History 1:33. • Neil L. Andersen, “Joseph Smith,” Ensign, Nov. 2014.

Review from last week’s discussion about Plural Marriage? Any questions?

What shall we do with Joseph Smith?

What will you do with Joseph Smith?

Will you know for yourself that he was raised up, divinely directed, and empowered by God to commence and continue a marvelous work and a wonder…the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The foreordained mission of Joseph Smith What did ancient prophets say about Joseph Smith?

The foreordained mission of Joseph Smith 2nd Nephi 3:6-9 Joseph of Egypt foretold the latter-day mission of Joseph Smith. What are some words or phrases that Joseph of Egypt used to describe Joseph Smith? Q. According to 2nd Nephi 3:7–8, what did Joseph of Egypt foresee regarding Joseph Smith’s ministry?

The foreordained mission of Joseph Smith 2nd Nephi 3:6-9 Joseph of Egypt foretold the latter-day mission of Joseph Smith. What are some words or phrases that Joseph of Egypt used to describe Joseph Smith? In what ways was Joseph Smith like Moses and Joseph of Egypt? Q. According to 2nd Nephi 3:7–8, what did Joseph of Egypt foresee regarding Joseph Smith’s ministry?

The foreordained mission of Joseph Smith Joseph Smith would be raised up by the Lord to bring people to a knowledge of His covenants and to do His work. Joseph Smith was instrumental in bringing forth the Lord’s “new and everlasting covenant” to the earth. Joseph did not do his own work & did nothing to prosper or personally benefit himself; his life was spent serving his fellow man and doing God’s work.

The foreordained mission of Joseph Smith 2nd Nephi 3:7, 11-15, 18-21 Make a list of what the scriptures say Joseph Smith would do to help accomplish the Lord’s work. He will: Do a work for the fruit of the loins of Joseph of Egypt and his own brethren; Bringing to them the knowledge of the covenants made to Joseph’s fathers – Abraham and Isaac; Bring forth God’s word to Joseph’s seed; Convince them of God’s word; Confounding of false doctrines and laying down of contentions; Establishing peace Bring Joseph’s seed to a knowledge of their fathers and God’s covenants with them; He (Joseph Smith) would be made strong unto the restoring the House of Israel; He (Joseph Smith ) will confound those that seek to destroy him; By the power of God, he will bring God’s children to salvation; He will write the writing of the fruit of Joseph’s loins; these words are expedient in God’s wisdom to go forth to Joseph’s seed; God’s words will come forth out of the dust and reassure Joseph’s seed of the covenant made with the fathers.

“Through Joseph Smith have been restored all the Powers, keys, teachings, and ordinances necessary for salvation and exaltation. You cannot go anywhere else in the world and get that. It is not to be found in any other church. It is not to be found in any philosophy of man or scientific digest or individual pilgrimage, however intellectual it may seem. Salvation is to be found in one place alone, as so designated by the Lord Himself when He said that this is ‘the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth’ (D&C 1:30)”. (“Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration,” Ensign, Nov. 2009) Elder Tad R. Callister

“A sincere inquirer should see the spreading of the restored gospel as the fruit of the Lord’s work through the Prophet. “Jesus said: ‘A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. ‘… By their fruits ye shall know them’ [Matthew 7:18, 20]. “These explanations are convincing, but the sincere inquirer should not rely on them exclusively to settle his or her search for truth. “Each believer needs a spiritual confirmation of the divine mission and character of the Prophet Joseph Smith. This is true for every generation. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers from God”. (“Joseph Smith,” Ensign, Nov. 2014) Elder Neil L. Andersen

How do we know the truth about him? Are we “sincere inquirer’s” after the truths concerning Joseph Smith and his mission? How do we know the truth about him? By the fruits of his labor; By the confirmation of the Spirit;

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” Joseph Smith – History 1:33 D&C 122:1-2

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” • How would you summarize what we learn from these two scripture passages about how people would respond to Joseph Smith? • Why do you think the Prophet Joseph Smith has so many critics and enemies, even though many years have passed since his death? ? As students share their suggested summaries, help them understand this truth: While many in the world will hold Joseph Smith in derision, the righteous will seek blessings made available through his ministry. A. A testimony of the Restoration hinges on whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet who performed God’s work. Therefore, Satan continues to strive to discredit Joseph Smith.

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” “Many of those who dismiss the work of the Restoration simply do not believe that heavenly beings speak to men on earth. Impossible, they say, that golden plates were delivered by an angel and translated by the power of God. From that disbelief, they quickly reject Joseph’s testimony, and a few unfortunately sink to discrediting the Prophet’s life and slandering his character. Elder Neil L. Andersen

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” “We are especially saddened when someone who once revered Joseph retreats from his or her conviction and then maligns the Prophet. “The negative commentary about the Prophet Joseph Smith will increase as we move toward the Second Coming of the Savior. The half-truths and subtle deceptions will not diminish. There will be family members and friends who will need your help. Now is the time to [prepare] to help others who are seeking the truth”. (“Joseph Smith,” Ensign, Nov. 2014) Elder Neil L. Andersen

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” “Studying the Church… through the eyes of its defectors, is like interviewing Judas to understand Jesus.” Elder Neal A. Maxwell Defectors always tell us more about themselves than about that from which they have departed”. Choose your sources carefully and prayerfully.

I told them I was but a man, and they must not expect me to be perfect; if they expected perfection from me, I should expect it from them; but if they would bear with my infirmities…I would likewise bear with their infirmities. I never told you I was perfect, but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught.

Joseph’s name will be “had for good and evil among all nations” • Why is it helpful to be aware that even though many years have passed since the death of Joseph Smith, enemies of the Church continue to attack his reputation? • What can we do to help those who are seeking the truth to know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God? ? As students share their suggested summaries, help them understand this truth: While many in the world will hold Joseph Smith in derision, the righteous will seek blessings made available through his ministry. A. A testimony of the Restoration hinges on whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet who performed God’s work. Therefore, Satan continues to strive to discredit Joseph Smith. Q. What aspects of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do you see as evidence of Joseph Smith’s prophetic mission?

Joseph Smith has “done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men” D&C 135:3 Is this statement justified? Did Joseph Smith really merit this kind of acclaim?

So, what did Joseph Smith do? Joseph Smith has “done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men” D&C 135:3 So, what did Joseph Smith do? What did he accomplish? Is this statement justified? Did Joseph Smith really merit this kind of acclaim?

“When I heard the Gospel I knew it was true; when I first read the Book of Mormon, I knew it was inspired of God; when I first beheld Joseph Smith I knew I stood face to face with a prophet of the living God, and I had no doubt in my mind about his authority”. Bathsheba W. Smith

“It was decreed in the counsels of eternity, long before the foundations of the earth were laid, that he, Joseph Smith, should be the man, in the last dispensation of this world, to bring forth the word of God to the people. … The Lord had his eyes upon him, and upon his father, and upon his father’s father, and upon their progenitors clear back … to Adam. He has watched that family and that blood as it has circulated from its fountain to the birth of that man. He was fore-ordained in eternity to preside over this last dispensation”. Pres. Brigham Young

“I feel like shouting, hallelujah, all the time, when I think that I ever knew Joseph Smith, the Prophet whom the Lord raised up and ordained, and to whom he gave keys and power to build up the kingdom of God on earth”. Pres. Brigham Young

• What experiences have you had that have contributed to your testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith?

What will you do with Joseph Smith?

The Martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith ~ Lesson 22 Next week: Student Readings: • Doctrine and Covenants 135:1–7; 136:36–39. • Thomas S. Monson, “The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example,” Ensign, Nov. 2005.

"The Lord has promised that in the eternities no blessing will be denied His sons and daughters who keep the commandments, are true to their covenants, and desire what is right. Many of the most important deprivations of mortality will be set right in the Millennium, which is the time for fulfilling all that is in the great plan of happiness for all of our Father's worthy children. We know that will be true of temple ordinances. I believe it will also be true of family relationships and experiences.“ (With Full Purpose of Heart, 35). Elder Dallin H. Oaks There are many who for the foreseeable future cannot enjoy the full blessings of eternal marriage and family, such as those who are single, who are married to someone who is not a member of the Church, or one who experiences same-gender attraction. To such persons, Elder Dallin H. Oaks offers this consolation: "The Lord has promised that in the eternities no blessing will be denied His sons and daughters who keep the commandments, are true to their covenants, and desire what is right. Many of the most important deprivations of mortality will be set right in the Millennium, which is the time for fulfilling all that is in the great plan of happiness for all of our Father's worthy children. We know that will be true of temple ordinances. I believe it will also be true of family relationships and experiences" (With Full Purpose of Heart, 35).

“The Lord’s answer was simple and forthright, although considerable space is devoted to the issue in the revelation (D&C 132): any action inspired, authorized, or commanded of God is moral and good. More specifically, marriages approved of the Almighty are recognized and acknowledged as sacred. Joseph wrote in 1839: “How much more dignified and noble are the thoughts of God, than the vain imaginations of the human heart!” Robert L. Millet

“…one simply cannot begin to understand this practice unless he or she realized that once the Prophet Joseph Smith was able to glimpse the significance of such matters as sealing powers, celestial marriage, and eternal families, the effort to make these blessings available to as many of the sons and daughters of God as possible became a pressing obligation. Why? Because, as the Prophet stated, “Those who keep no eternal Law in this life or make no eternal contract are single & alone in the eternal world.” Words of Joseph Smith, 232 Robert L. Millet