EGEE and Induction Mike Mineter NeSC Training Team


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Presentation transcript:

EGEE and Induction Mike Mineter NeSC Training Team First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 EGEE and Induction Mike Mineter NeSC Training Team EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833

Contents Induction = orientation, introduction, enabling creativity… …. of whom? …. to what? …. in what roles? Review of the short-term plans made in March Current plans Issues arising First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 2

Induction: of whom, to what roles? EDG experienced Grid-naive EDG naive INDUCTION EGEE members EGEE users EGEE informed enquirers First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 3

Modules not “a course” EDG experienced Grid-naive EDG naive Grids EGEE middleware & testbed EGEE project & procedures EGEE members EGEE users EGEE informed enquirers First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 4

Short-term priorities “Short-term” = Months 1-3: whilst NA3 long term plans are formed Focus on: Preparing induction modules Induction of EGEE members first – then users, app. developers Need active EGEE before users proliferate Address “team spirit” explicitly Building links across NA3 and NA4: So experience is shared; current materials are gathered Support for trainers with little EDG experience So that from month ~3 onwards: Induction modules available from trainers and from Web Induction for users dominates … alongside retreats and other courses’ preparation and delivery First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 5

“Team spirit” and NA3 NA3 role: “To ensure an EGEE Team Spirit is engendered early in the project lifetime” (Technical Annexe) Team spirit is a consequence of many things beyond powers of NA3… But NA3 can help establish in EGEE members Team spirit is fundamental to EGEE success! Need create a sustainable technological community – as well as interoperable software EDG’s achievement in this emphased in closing conference. NA3 events: seek to involve participants from multiple activities, partners, countries whenever possible Induction and retreats the best early opportunities First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 6

Ideas on “Team spirit” and Induction Induction can be a chance to explore the “people” dimensions of EGEE by reflection and discussion with aims that: Sustainable technological community be built Members give attention to EGEE goals, activities and quality of relationships. Amongst goals: EGEE >> sum of its part, achieved by quality of interaction EGEE gains strength from its diversity of cultures Demands interpersonal skills and commitment …as well as enabling tools! Possible questions for discussion in induction courses: What can be learnt from EDG and other international (esp. Grid) projects? It is the commitment of people to collaborate that will determine the achievements of EGEE and Grid computing in general “Team Spirit” discussion sets context for project procedures First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 7

“Pre-release” events Primary focus: NA3 team building, creating / gathering induction modules NA3 + EDG experts + EGEE members Where and when? Edinburgh 7 April, 26-28 April: Induction of Grid-naive CERN 17 May: Induction of experienced developers to EGEE CERN 18-19 May: Induction of “Grid-naïve” to EGEE Established strong cooperation with NA4 – Roberto Barbera Using GILDA (INFN, Univ. of Catania testbed) for practicals Future: Need maximum cooperation, minimum effort on NA3 testbeds Interoperable testbeds for training First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 8

26-28 April, Edinburgh; 18-19 May CERN Goals: to induct EGEE trainers to refine modules of the induction courses to begin induction of EGEE members Outcomes: Trainers will be able to present these modules. Modules for future induction courses will be in near-final form. EGEE members will be oriented to the EGEE project structure and procedures. EGEE members without prior Grid experience will be oriented to the EGEE infrastructure First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 9

CERN 17 May Preliminary run of induction for EDG-experienced Draft agenda 09:00 Overview of EGEE 09:30 Joint Research activities 10:00 Specific service activities 10:30 Networking activities 11:00 Seeking collaboration across EGEE: talk and discussion continuing into… 11:20 Coffee 11:40 Organisation and procedures 13:00 Close First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 10

Reminder: TA Requirement for Courses Course Type Average Attendance Course Requirements Number per Year Induction 50 2 Day Web Access ≥ 10 Application Developer Training 25 4 Day Workstations ≥ 8 Advanced Courses 5 Day Workstations ≥ 2 Internal Technical Activity Specific Retreats 30 2 Day ≥ 6 Spectra of participants and outcomes: Target needs refinement ? First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 11

Issues arising Need viewpoints from other NA3 members!!!! Modularity – makes targets less definable but is response to reality and efficiency stated needs of activity leaders range of participants and target outcomes. Relationship to application developer training? How to measure impact? Numbers of EGEE members needing Grid induction not known. Schedule of recruitment not known (to me!) Time needed for project procedures?? 1 hour only in current plans AccessGrid to allow remote delivery of modules? NA3 single – or interoperable - testbeds? Scope for value-adding? First EGEE Conference, 19 April 2004 - 12