The effects of Eating Fast Food Done by : Norah Abahussain
Outline The most important effect is obesity. The other effect is diseases. The last effect is lack of energy.
Introduction Today, there are many people becoming too fat around the world. Who doesn’t like fast food ?many people , particularly young people, prefer to eat fast food. There are three main effects of eating fast food :obesity , diseases and lack of energy.
Eating fast food can affect many people’s lives. : 1-Obesity Eating fast food can affect many people’s lives.
Fast food has a lot of calories and oil and less vitamins , minerals and protein. One meal may have more than 1200 calories. Further more, the sodas have a lot of sugar.
: 2-Diseases The more fast food you eat, the more chances of the risk of heart diseases. Cardiovascular disease. Liver disease.
: 3-Lack of energy Fast food makes us sleepy due to the less vitamins and protein . In addition, many people watch TV for hours and eat a big amount of fast food. As a result , they have a lack of energy. .
:In conclusion ,start eating healthy food Fast food is not kind of food that you should eat every day. Try to replace it with fruits , vegetables and healthy food. You should eat healthy food because of the good vitamins and minerals.
Summary: Introduction . Middle. Time. Conclusion.
References: negative-effects-eating-fast-food effects-on-heart-disease/ foods-health-effects
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