Food Web Discussion Valuable Ecosystem Components for Beaufort and Chukchi Seas Effects of circulation on food web and VECs III-
Fate and Transport Discussion How does fate impact dispersed oil evaluations? Considerations Dispersed oil constituents present Time period for constituents Pelagic species affected Biodegradation potential Rate of degradation vs toxicity
Test Species Discussion Arctic species (or surrogate) Important link in the pelagic food web Community approach Several species from different phyla Life stage Sensitivity to dispersed petroleum Existing methodology Amenable to handling and arctic test conditions Readily available Appropriate endpoints Performance standards
Potential Test Species Methods Sensitivity Arctic cod √ Herring juv. + Capelin juv. Saffron cod Arctic cisco - juveniles Dolly varden -subadults Pink salmon Sculpin
Species Methods Sensitivity C. finmarchicus √ C. hyperborialis C. glacialis Tanner crab Mysid Gammarus spp. Onisimus littoralis Clams - Sea urchins + Phytoplankton
Test Method Discussion Testing Temperature (5 deg) and Salinity (28 – 30) Exposure Type and Duration (SPIKE) Duration remains an issue Oil-Dispersant Preparations WAF and CE-WAF (25% Vortex) Variable Loading vs Serial Dilution Mixing Energy, Duration, Light (no UV) Physical Conditions (same as test) Oil:dispersant (20:1)and Oil:water Ratio (200:1) Droplets (try to measure?) Weathering (No) Chemical Analyses (broad suite)
Testing Strategy & Process Discussion Can the results of the laboratory studies confidently predict what will happen in the field? Which compartments to address Role of Transport Modeling Exposure and Duration Analytical Chemistry Using Arctic Appropriate Testing Conditions Interaction of biodegradation and toxicity What criteria should be used to assess the data? How much data is required for assessment?