Implicit XB ID BE-NL Meeting 26/07/2010
Governance Overall Governance structure is similar to TLC or CWE governance structure: APX/Belpex provide implicit capacity allocation service to Elia/Tennet Exclusivity Governance organized through contracts Cost recovery Capacity allocation scheme to be approved by CREG and NMa Roles and Responsibilities Tennet/Elia: ID capacity determination XB exchange management APX/Belpex: Implicit continuous allocation of ID capacity based on respective order books APX (CCP): XB shipping; X-PX settlement
Contracts Initiation phase : high level design Implementation phase : Intention Agreement signed between all parties Implementation phase : Project Agreement all parties Ready to be signed; regulatory comfort re support project Operational phase : Operational Framework Agreement all parties (eventually to be completed by local operational agreements) To be drafted Local Cost recovery Agreements
Documents for approval Modification of actual intraday capacity allocation mechanism Joint document describing allocation mechanism General principle of implicit continuous capacity allocation General principle allocation algorithm and order types High level architecture and information flow Daily schedule Data publication/Transparency Additional features: firmness, capacity reduction Governance and contractual scheme INB-rules ARP-contract