How Popular is Christianity? World’s largest religion About 2.2 billion people are Christian
Where is the Geographic Center of Christianity? Africa/South America “Over the past 100 years, Christianity has experienced a profound southern shift in its geographical center of gravity. Whereas in 1900 over 80% of all Christians lived in Europe and Northern America, by 2005 this proportion had fallen to under 40%, and will likely fall below 30% before 2050.” “Europeans (including Americans of European descent), in the vast majority one hundred years ago, are now in the minority. Today, Africans, Asians and Latin Americans are more typical representatives of Christianity than Americans or Europeans.”
What Are Christianity’s Three Main Branches? Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Protestant
Although Differences Exist, What Are Some of Christianity’s Central Beliefs? Belief in God, the Father; Jesus Christ as the Son of God; & the Holy Spirit Death, Descent into Hell, Resurrection, & Ascension of Christ to Heaven Holiness of the Church & the Communion of Saints Christ’s Second Coming, the Day of Judgment, and Salvation of the Faithful
Problem: Sin Solution: Salvation According to Prothero, What is the Central Problem that Christiantiy is Trying to Solve? What is the Solution? Problem: Sin Solution: Salvation
Good News Mark (65-70 CE) Matthew (80-90 CE) Luke (85-100 CE) What Does “Gospel” Mean & What Are the 4 New Testament Gospels – in the order in which they were written? Good News Mark (65-70 CE) Matthew (80-90 CE) Luke (85-100 CE) John (90-100 CE)
What is the Christian Trinity? God, the Father God, the Son God, the Holy Spirit