Timothy Henry Tchereni 2017 WORLD WATER DAY NATIONAL CONFERENCE 20 March 2017 - Managing Stress - Timothy Henry Tchereni
Many of us here experience the following, physically: Loss of sexual drive Headaches Fatigue Dizziness Infections Aches and pains – Nyamakazi!! Sleep pattern changes Indigestion
Difficulty in making decisions Confusion Disorientation Panic attacks … and mentally… Lack of concentration Memory lapses Difficulty in making decisions Confusion Disorientation Panic attacks
… it is noticed in behavior too… Appetite changes - too much or too little Increased intake of alcohol & other drugs Increased smoking Restlessness Nail biting
Deterioration of personal hygiene and appearance … and now… Emotions!!!!!!! Impatience Deterioration of personal hygiene and appearance Depression or general unhappiness Anxiety and agitation Moodiness, irritability, or anger Feeling overwhelmed Loneliness and isolation
These are just some of the signs that you are stressed!!!
Do you want to get rid of all the stress from your life? Only One Group of People Have No Stress
Stress Defined S = P > R
Stress has always been part of our lives Talking about stress Stress has always been part of our lives In this hectic time, people lead an increasingly stressful life Stress is sometimes vital for achieving optimum performance However, prolonged stress is VERY bad for you
Sources of stress
Don’t wait until you are dead to rid of stress… manage your stress! HOW?
So basically, the cause of stress is your attitude towards life! Did you know? It is not really the problems that we face that are difficult to deal with, but our attitude towards them So basically, the cause of stress is your attitude towards life!
Stress Management Strategies Remove the Stressor 5 Stress Management Strategies Withdraw from the Stressor Receive Social Support Control Stress Consequences Change Stress Perceptions
Individual Stress Management Exercise regularly Practice healthy habits Be realistic Meditate Develop and use planning skills Simplify your life – Delegate Take one thing at a time Take your burdens to the Lord/ Allah Avoid unnecessary competition Recognize and accept personal limits Develop social support networks Focus on enjoying what you do Go easy with criticism Take time off Exercise regularly. Twenty to 30 minutes of exercise per day benefits you physically and mentally. Practice healthy habits. Get enough sleep. Eat a healthy diet. Avoid tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, and other drugs. Be realistic. Understand your limits and be willing to say “no!” Use systematic relaxation. Meditate. Engage in breathing exercises. Sit quietly and think of only pleasant things. Ten to 20 minutes of reflection can raise your resistance to chronic stress. Develop and use planning skills. Planning can help you avoid stressors and figure out ways to cope with those you do encounter. Simplify your life. Delegate. Get organized. Drop unnecessary and unpleasant activities. Take one thing at a time. Avoid unnecessary overload. Don’t take work problems home. Don’t take home problems to work. Avoid unnecessary competition. No one is always the best. Give in occasionally. Recognize and accept personal limits. Drop the urge to be “superman” or “superwoman.” No one is perfect. Develop social support networks. Research consistently shows that social support helps mitigate the effects of stress. Don’t try to cope alone. Focus on enjoying what you do. Laugh! Go easy with criticism. Go easy on yourself and others. Look for the positive. Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests that people with a positive outlook on life are healthier and live longer than those with a negative outlook. Take time off. Go on vacation. Spend time everyday doing something you enjoy.
And importantly…
Thank You Timothy H. Tchereni - Bsoc (MW), CMCE (UK), GCP (USA), MPhil (Mw – pending) Cell : +265 882 002 905 Cell : +265 888 601 383 Email : ttchereni@gmail.com Skype : timothytchereni ~find me on LinkedIn~