Gender Statistics at the United States Census Bureau Manisha Sengupta Population Division U.S. Census Bureau
Accomplishments and Work in Progress… Workshops Gender Analysis Partnerships USAID (Joint workshops, Data needs assessment). UNECE (Taskforce on Gender Sensitization, Steering Committee, Training for Statisticians, Gender Mainstreaming Manual, Gender Training prototype).
Analysis and Evaluation of Gender Statistics Inclusion of sex-disaggregated data is not always a standard approach in the production, analysis, and dissemination of statistical information. Lack of sex-disaggregated data in statistical reports Data sources on gender statistics are available but are not utilized to their potential. Use of gender statistics is often confined to specialized fields. Growing need for sex-disaggregated data for program evaluation.
Purpose of 2-Week Workshop how to understand, analyze, and evaluate data reported by sex. increase the participant’s awareness of the importance of gender issues. improve ability to evaluate the quality and relevance of sex-disaggregated data.
What We Do in The 2-Week Workshops… Introduction of the gender approach. Identification of data sources for gender statistics. Indicators used to evaluate gender issues. Design principles for reports on gender issues. Improvement of statistical dissemination to include sex-disaggregated data. Creation of a short report on a gender issue. Increased use of gender statistics.
USAID- Census Bureau Gender Integration Workshop Joint workshop for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Purpose Gender Analysis. Gender Integration in USAID-funded Research: Examples of Policy and Programmatic Change. Gender-relevant Survey Information and its Link to Program and Policy Planning.
Assess Gender Data Needs Organized by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Participants: Macro Intl. World Bank Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Data Users NGOs Purpose: Discuss gender-related indicators from current DHS data. Recommendations for implementation and questions.
Illustrative List Gender-related indicators that are available or can be estimated from current DHS data Indicator available from Core DHS Women 15-49 Children Separately by sex Men 15-59 Literacy X Education Media exposure NA Employment Cash employment Decision making about earnings
Gender Analysis Funded to carry out a project on sex disaggregated economic data in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. Goals conduct a systematic inventory of the sex-disaggregated economic data currently collected by the APEC economies. identify gaps in relevant data sets. develop a standard template for reporting comparable sex-disaggregated economic data across APEC economies in the future. produce a report that provides an overview of the economic contributions of women and men in APEC economies.
UNECE Steering Committee on Gender Statistics. UNECE Taskforce on Gender Sensitization Training. Gender Mainstreaming Manual. Gender Database. Gender Training Prototype – training for trainers.
Incorporating Gender Analysis into other work…
Thank you for your interest in the gender statistics work done at the U.S. Census Bureau. For more information about our work, please contact: Manisha Sengupta Population Division U.S. Census Bureau 301-763-1373 Or email